The 5th European Young Leaders Class Visits CISS


On August 24, the 5th European Young Leaders Class visited the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS) at Tsinghua University. Twenty-seven European young scholars from the Class had an in-depth exchange and discussion with CISS experts and scholars. The event was joined by Zhou Bo, CISS Senior Fellow and China Forum expert, Tang Xiaoyang, Chair and Professor of the Department of International Relations of Tsinghua University and CISS China Forum expert, Sun Chenshuo, CISS China Forum expert, Shi Yan, Fellow of CISS, and Wen Jing, Postdoc Fellow of CISS.


The participating experts extended a warm welcome to the European Young Leaders Class. Shi Yan introduced the development of CISS since its establishment, the research fields, and relevant achievements. During the free exchange session, members of the Class asked questions enthusiastically about various topics such as China-EU relations, the Ukraine crisis, the Taiwan question, and the Asia-Pacific situation, which were analyzed and answered by the experts in depth and in detail. At the end of the discussion, the Class gave positive feedback, saying that they had gained a lot, and the face-to-face communication with Chinese experts helped them better understand China’s development achievements, current diplomatic concepts, and logic of action.



Afterward, the Class went to the Tsinghua University Art Museum to appreciate the paintings, ceramics, embroidery, and other exhibits on display. They had a close-up experience of China’s cultural traditions and the artistic atmosphere in Tsinghua.

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