【The 71st Security and Strategy Seminar】CISS Holds Seminar on China-U.S. Strategic Stability


On June 16, the Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University (CISS) held the 71st Security and Strategy Seminar themed “China-U.S. Strategic Stability.” CISS invited Fiona Cunningham, Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, to give a keynote speech, and discuss and exchange views with more than ten experts and scholars from Tsinghua University, the China Association of Military Sciences, Renmin University of China, and other institutions. The seminar was chaired by Chen Qi, Deputy Director of CISS and Professor of the Department of International Relations of Tsinghua University.


Fiona Cunningham analyzed the current status and challenges in the field of nuclear armament and gave relevant suggestions. She believed that China and the U.S. should abandon the “Cold War mentality” and pursue dialogue and cooperation within the existing framework. Experts at the seminar proposed that as the term “strategic stability” could mean differently in the context of China and the U.S., the two sides should pursue communication and cooperation in fields of relevant issues such as nuclear safety.


The seminar was joined by Yao Yunzhu, Academic Committee Member of CISS and Senior Advisor of the China Association of Military Sciences, Li Bin, Nonresident Senior Fellow of CISS and Professor of the Department of International Relations of Tsinghua University, Wu Riqiang, Professor of the School of International Studies of Renmin University of China, Li Chen, Nonresident Senior Fellow of CISS, Associate Professor and Director of International Security and Strategy Program at the School of International Studies at Renmin University of China, Chen Chong, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations of Tsinghua University, and Sun Chenghao, CISS Fellow.

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