【THE 72nd SECURITY AND STRATEGY SEMINAR】Trend of the U.S. Domestic Politics and China-U.S. Relations


On June 16, the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS) at Tsinghua University held its 72nd Security and Strategy Seminar on the topic of “Trend of the U.S. Domestic Politics and China-U.S. Relations”. CISS invited more than 20 experts and scholars from Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Foreign Studies University, and other institutions to discuss and exchange their views.


The seminar was chaired by Chen Qi, Deputy Director of CISS and Professor of the Department of International Relations of Tsinghua University. The participating experts developed an in-depth discussion on the current status of U.S. domestic political development from the perspectives of two-party politics, economic structure, and social contradictions, and analyzed the trend and factors of U.S. domestic political changes and their impact on China-U.S. relations. 

The seminar was joined by Chen Xiaogong, Academic Committee Member of CISS, the former Deputy Director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Leading Group of the CPC Central Committee, and the former Deputy Commander of the Chinese Air Force, Diao Daming, Nonresident Senior Fellow of CISS, Associate Professor of the School of International Studiess of Renmin University of China, and Deputy Director of American Studies Center, Sun Xuefeng, Professor of the Department of International Relations of Tsinghua University, Huang Yuxing and She Gangzheng, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations of Tsinghua University, Xia Fangbo, Assistant Professor of the School of International Relations and Diplomacy of Beijing Foreign Studies University, Xue Jing, Nonresident Senior Fellow of Center for US-China Relations of the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University, Luan Wentao, Assistant Research Fellow of Center for US-China Relations of the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University, CISS Fellows Song Bo, Dong Ting, Sun Chenghao, and Shi Yan, and CISS Postdoc Fellows Miao Zhengming, Nie Zhengnan, and Wen Jing.

Last:Schwarzman Scholars Visit CISS

Next:【The 71st Security and Strategy Seminar】CISS Holds Seminar on China-U.S. Strategic Stability