【CISS Youth】CISS Holds the 4th CISS Youth Meetup


On September 22, the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS) of Tsinghua University held the 4th CISS Youth Meetup. Thirty-three youths from Tsinghua University, Peking University, Harvard University, Princeton University, and other universities at home and abroad participated in this event online and offline. Da Wei, Director of CISS; Xiao Qian, Deputy Director of CISS; and Dong Ting, Sun Chenghao, and Shi Yan, Fellows of CISS, attended this Meetup as guests. Huang Ying, Secretary General of CISS Youth, moderated the Meetup.


Group Photo of the Meetup

In the beginning, Mr. Da Wei emphasized that CISS Youth was a high-end and professional youth “community”, in the hope that it can serve as a kind of pre-career community for the members in their pre-career preparation stage. He expected all CISS Youth to actively engage in various activities as participants and contributors by keeping their original intention and being perseverant. Ms. Xiao Qian pointed out that CISS should be built into an important international exchange platform. She encouraged CISS Youth to gain more in the coming year and make positive contributions to international strategic research.

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CISS Director Da Wei (left) and Deputy Director Xiao Qian (right)

After guest speeches, Huang Ying, now Secretary General of CISS Youth, introduced the CISS Youth projects and the members of the Secretariat, then briefly described the work plan for this year in five aspects, including brand activities, international exchanges, and practical research. After that, Tan Yannan, now Deputy Secretary General of CISS Youth, introduced the composition of CISS Youth and organized the participants to introduce themselves.


Wang Yexu, Secretary General of the 3rd session of CISS Youth, and Zhao Xiuye, Shao Zhicheng, and Liao Yang, members of the 3rd session of CISS Youth, gave speeches as representatives. They hoped that the 4th CISS Youth could combine the multifaceted development of industry, academia, and research to inject the wisdom of Chinese think tanks and Chinese youths into the world. They wished everyone a fruitful and common growth in the new year. Zhang Yuanshinan, Shi Yi, and Nie Yunzhe, representatives of the 4th CISS Youth, shared their visions of CISS Youth from different professional backgrounds and life experiences. They also hoped that they could learn more from their expert predecessors and make friends with like-minded scholars and practitioners.

At the end of the event, Sun Chenghao, Shi Yan, and Dong Ting, Fellows of CISS, pointed out that CISS Youth should improve their personal qualities, enhance their perception of the international situation nowadays, and contribute youth wisdom to CISS research, expecting that all the students could gain something from CISS Youth.



CISS Youth is a research and exchange organization for young students and professionals in the field of international studies. Operating under the guidance of the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS), Tsinghua University, and independently organized by its members, CISS Youth seeks to foster young students and scholars with a strategic vision and international outlook, who will grow into active players in the international arena through a variety of forms, such as lectures, seminars, roundtables, and annual large-scale annual forums. CISS Youth also serves as a referrer and funder for the outstanding members to learn, observe, and speak at international forums, so as to tell great Chinese stories and make China’s voice heard.

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