CISS Holds 2023 Mid-Year Situation Theory-Discussing Meeting


From July 7 to 8, the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS) of Tsinghua University held the 2023 mid-year situation theory-discussing meeting. The meeting featured a theme of “Current International Strategic Security Situation and China’s Diplomacy in the New Era” and was joined by more than 20 experts and scholars, including the CISS Academic Committee members, experts, and fellows.


The meeting was chaired by CISS Director Da Wei, with the discussion conducted on the following three topics: “Assessing the Space and Limits for Easing China-U.S. Relations,” “The Recent Trend of Ukraine Crisis and its Medium and Long-Term Impact,” and “The New Image of China’s Diplomacy since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC).” Participating experts analyzed the profound changes in the current international landscape and made a prediction of the challenges and opportunities for China’s diplomacy in the next five to ten years, by referring to several domestic and international hotspot events, such as the recent visits of high-level U.S. officials to China, the ethnic factors in the Ukraine crisis and the regional security order.


During the meeting, the CISS team visited the Party-mass Service Center of Nanwenying Community in Rongdong District of Xiong’an New Area, the site of Baiyangdian Lake Comprehensive Ecological Remediation Project, the Baiyangdian Yanlingdui Memorial Hall, the Xiong’an Planning Display Center, and the Start-up Zone Planning Display Center, etc., to learn about the overall planning, the major construction projects, the development of commercial services, the ecological environment remediation, community party building, and the protection and inheritance of red culture and revolutionary spirit in Xiong’an New Area, and to learn from the successful experience of high-standard and high-quality planning and construction of the New Area.

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