Huang Ping
China Forum expert Director, Centre for Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Professor Huang Ping is currently the Director of the Centre for Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Executive Vice President of the Chinese Institute of Hong Kong. He is formerly the Director of the Institute of American Studies and the Director of the Institute of European Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the former Executive Editor-in-Chief of Readings, etc.
In CASS, Prof. Huang was the Deputy Director General, Institute of Sociology(1998-2003), Director General, Bureau of International Cooperation(2003-2006), Director General, Institute of American Studies,(2006-2014), and Institute of European Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(2014-2019) .
Prof. Huang was also elected as Vice President, International Social Science Council (ISSC), Vice President, International Institute of Sociology (IIS), Vice Chairman, Management of Social Transformation(MOST, UNESCO), and Board Member, United Nation Research Institute of Social Development(UNRISD). Prof. Huang has been on the editorial board in British Journal of Sociology, Current Sociology, Comparative Sociology, Global Social Policy, and Journal of Social Development, etc. He was a co-editor for Dushu(Readings), together with Wang Hui, during 1996-2006. Prof. Huang’s major research areas include development, migration, China’s way towards modernity, China-US-Europe Relations, and World Politics. Huang has published books and papers/articles in Chinese and English, some were translated into Japanese and French.