China Forum Expert Wen Jing Speaks to South China Morning Post on Israeli-Gaza Conflict


Wen Jing, fellow at Tsinghua University’s Center for International Security and Strategy and director of international communication at China Forum, gave an interview to South China Morning Post on the Israel-Gaza conflict and China’s Middle East policy.

Dr. Wen believes that a growing unease within Hamas about the diplomatic developments between Saudi Arabia and Israel could be the key reason behind the conflict. This would also have a longer-term impact on US plans to reengage with the region. Beijing has long tried to adopt a balanced position, by supporting Palestinian statehood while maintaining strong economic ties with Israel. The impact of the conflict on the Belt and Road Initiative will be relatively small as most infrastructure projects that China helps to build in the Middle East are in countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, said she.

She added that China was likely to continue its efforts to act as a peacebroker in the region. It had offered to act as mediator between the Israelis and Palestinian Authority when the head of the latter, Mahmoud Abbas, visited Beijing earlier this year.


Read the article here: plans-middle-east





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