China Forum Hosts 2nd Dialogue Among the Wise: Internal Seminar on China-EU Relations


On September 8, the China Forum under the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS) of Tsinghua University held the 2nd Dialogue Among the Wise. The participating experts discussed the current status of China-EU relations and the opportunities and challenges that China-EU relations are facing, against the changes and turbulence in geopolitics, the global economy, and the international landscape. Wang Xiaoyao, Deputy Director-General of the Department of European Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, attended the seminar upon invitation. She introduced the recent interactions between the two sides, the efforts made by the Chinese side, and the current prospects for the development of China-EU relations. The participating experts and scholars expressed their views and carried out in-depth exchanges and discussions on how to enhance the interaction between China and Europe in political and economic relations, promote people-to-people exchanges and communication at all levels, respond to the difficulties and challenges, and strengthen the research cooperation among domestic think tanks. The seminar was moderated by Zhang Lirong, Secretary-General of China Forum.



The seminar was joined by Cui Hongjian, Professor of the Academy of Regional and Global Governance of Beijing Foreign Studies University and China Forum Expert, Feng Zhongping, Director of the Institute of European Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Gao Jian, Director of the Center for British Studies of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) and China Forum Expert, Jiang Feng, Party Secretary of SISU and China Forum Expert, Men Jing, Director of the Center for European Studies of East China Normal University, Tang Xiaoyang, Dean of the Department of International Relations of Tsinghua University and China Forum Expert, Wu Zhengyu, Professor of the School of International Studies of Renmin University of China, Zhao Minghao, Professor of the Institute of International Studies of Fudan University, Nonresident Senior Fellow of CISS, and China Forum Expert, Zhou Bo, Senior Fellow of CISS and Board Member of China Forum, Sun Chenghao, Fellow of CISS, Guo Jane, Project Director of China Forum, Wen Jing, Postdoc Fellow of CISS and Director of International Communication of China Forum, Xu Xinyun, Fellow of CISS and Project Officer of China Forum, etc.

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