Da Wei Spoke to Berlingske on China-US Ties


On August 6, 2023, Berlingske published an interview with Da Wei, director of Tsinghua University’s Center for International Security and Strategy and vice chairman of China Forum. The US is still the most powerful country in the world in terms of economic and military prowess, but the international order dominated by the West is being transformed and reorganized. China and the US must find a balance in their relations to prevent a slide into conflict, said Professor Da.


We are living in an increasingly multipolar and divided world. The once open and inclusive post-Cold War international order has now become more exclusive, marginalizing countries like China and Russia.

The China-US relationship today is different from the US-Soviet relationship in the Cold War days: China is not the Soviet Union and has no intention of engaging in an ideological and military confrontation with the West. In fact, it is one of the largest trading partners of the US and its allies. Therefore, the two sides must seek a new equilibrium in their bilateral ties, said Da Wei in the interview.

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