China Forum Expert Gong Jiong at Asian Banker’s Future of Finance Summit 2023


On July 28, Gong Jiong, an expert at China Forum and vice president for research, UIBE Israel, attended The Future of Finance Summit 2023 hosted by The Asian Banker in Beijing, and spoke in two sessions titled “Digital currency redefines global banking landscape” and “Will China be able to ace the chip wars?”


The first panel explored the relationship between the Belt and Road Initiative and RMB internationalization, the definition of digital currency, the relationship between the digital renminbi and major payment platforms, the internationalization of the e-RMB, and Web3.0’s third-generation payment. There is great potential for the digital yuan in international bulk trade and capital flows, said Professor Gong.

In the second session, Gong discussed with other panelists the similarities and differences between the development of transatlantic textile industry in the Industrial Revolution and today’s chip wars.


The Asian Banker is a company that provides information for the financial services industry in the form of publications, online materials such as e-newsletters, research and conventions, and other industry gatherings. It is regarded as one of the leading consultancies in the financial services industry.

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