China Forum Secretary General Zhang Lirong at 17th China-EU Business & Technology Cooperation Fair


On June 30, the 17th China-EU Business & Technology Cooperation Fair opened in Chengdu. Zhang Lirong, secretary general of China Forum under Tsinghua University’s Center for International Security and Strategy, gave a keynote speech on “Promote Stable and Promising Development of China-EU Commercial, Create Favorable Business Environment and Public Opinion” at a plenary session titled “China-EU Business Forum on Economic and Trade Cooperation.”


Zhang Lirong took stock of the achievements of China-EU trade cooperation and said that it remains the “ballast” of China-EU relations amid complex global dynamics, which should be maintained and fostered by both sides.



He proposed four directions for promoting China-EU economic cooperation and creating favorable business environment and public opinion. First, the two sides should strengthen strategic communication to improve mutual understanding and political trust. Second, ideological interferences on economic and trade cooperation should be avoided. Third, both sides should safeguard openness and free trade. Fourth, business communities, think tanks and media should actively work to create favorable public opinion for cooperation. China Forum is ready to work with more partners at home and abroad in this regard, said Zhang.


Launched in 2001, the China-EU Business & Technology Cooperation Fair has become one of the most influencing event for trade, investment and technology cooperation between China and Europe.

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