China Forum Expert Gong Jiong Speaks to Asharq News


On May 30, Gong Jiong, a China Forum expert and vice president for research, UIBE Israel, gave an interview to Asharq News on China’s latest move in extending high tariff exemptions on some US import categories and on Elon Musk’s trip to China.


China’s extension of the tariff exemptions reflects that it still welcomes US exports, and that it does not want downstream importers and consumers to bear the burden of the additional tariffs, said Professor Gong. Meanwhile, Washington has so far maintained the high tariffs that Trump placed on Chinese imports, raising costs for American consumers at the end of the day. In fact, the tariffs did not cause a significant drop in China’s exports to the US in 2022, which demonstrates the competitiveness of Chinese products in the US market.


Regarding Elon Musk’s latest trip to China, Professor Gong pointed out that Tesla is a successful case of US businesses in China, which is the American carmaker’s export base for Asia and Middle East, and it is absurd some Washington politicians continue to attack it as being at odds with the national interest, said Gong.

Asharq News is a 24/7, multiplatform Arabic news service based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.


Watch the interview here:دائرة-الشرق/1658527/ما-تفسير-تمديد-الصين-للإعفاءات-الضريبية-لوارداتها-من-واشنطن-رغم-استمرار-أميركا-في-تقييده?t=110.878737

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