China Forum Expert Zhao Huasheng at Stockholm Security Conference 2022


On November 9, 2022, China Forum expert Zhao Huasheng was invited to speak in the session “Asia reacts to the war in Ukraine: Geopolitical implications for the region” of Stockholm Security Conference 2022.


In his speech, Zhao introduced China’s response to the Ukraine crisis and its position, and explained the logic and basis of its policies.

The crisis in Ukraine does not affect China’s military budget, and is completely different from the Taiwan question, Zhao stressed, adding that without external instigation or support for Taiwan independence, it is highly unlikely that there will be war across the Taiwan Strait.

Europe has still been suffering from large-scale conflicts since the end of the Cold War, while Northeast and Southeast Asia have remained peaceful - contrary to a once popular view, said Zhao. He pointed out that China has played a crucial role in this: it has insisted on resolving border and territorial issues with its neighbors through negotiations and strived to maintain regional stability through its influence to achieve the de-escalation of conflicts and avert war, most notably on the Korean Peninsula.

On the impact of the Ukraine crisis on Asian security, Zhao noted that if it is acknowledged by the countries concerned that wars can erupt from promoting and implementing the policy of confrontation at the expense of the security interests of other countries, then it may in a sense have a positive effect; if not, a toxic legacy is the only thing it will leave.

Last:Zhou Bo at 9th Abu Dhabi Strategic Debate

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