China Forum Expert Cui Hongjian at Ditchley Conference


On March 17-18, CUI Hongjian, a China Forum expert and director of the Department for European Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, spoke at the plenary session entitled “EU Indo-Pacific Strategy: How can the EU build its economic reach and influence in the region?” of the Ditchley conference “Europe after Merkel: how can the EU best build on its strengths and mitigate its risks?”


The EU is “impelled by policies” of certain powers to promote its own Indo-Pacific strategy, which is an imposed concept and not accepted by China, Cui said. By promoting this strategy, the EU aims to pursue economic interests in the Asia Pacific, and China, as one of its largest trade partners, is willing to step up their cooperation.

Cui believes that as it seeks further engagement and cooperation with Asia Pacific countries, the EU will face challenges in building a more legitimate presence in the region while avoiding a negative impact on the regional landscape by “exporting its systems and rules.” The union should provide more trade and investment opportunities for the Indo-Pacific region and add to its peace and prosperity.


During the Q&A session, Cui responded to other participants’ concerns about China’s position on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, stating that China does not support either side in the war or want it to continue. A long-term solution must be found to the conflict, and the EU ought to work with the international community in maintaining peace in the area.

Last:China Forum Expert Zhou Bo Interviewed by The Economist

Next:China Forum Vice Chairman Eric Li at Ditchley’s Techno-Democracy Conference