China Forum Expert Fu Chengyu at 58th Munich Security Conference’s Climate Session


The 58th Munich Security Conference (MSC) was held in Munich from February 18 to 20, convening 30 heads of state and government, hundreds of ministerial officials, and leading personalities of international organizations onsite and virtually for discussions on global issues such as regional security, the COVID-19 pandemic, and climate change. Professor Fu Chengyu, former chairman of Sinopec and a China Forum expert, was invited by the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt to speak at its Futurity Session titled “Sustaining Global Collaboration Towards Climate Neutrality.” Moderated by Maithreyi Seetharaman, CEO of Facultas Media Limited, the event also featured speakers including Meghan O’Sullivan, Director, Geopolitics of Energy Project, Harvard Kennedy School; Børge Brende, President, World Economic Forum; and Tanja Gönner, Chairwoman, Management Board, GIZ.


In his speech, Professor Fu touched on the steps to achieving carbon neutrality, which he believes requires tangible actions, and introduced China’s proactive and pragmatic climate policies and initiatives. In response to the moderator’s questions, he said that scientific research and technological development are crucial to reaching net zero, and China is currently focusing on the R&D of energy efficiency technologies and new energy technologies, adding that climate change is a global challenge that requires strengthened cooperation among countries.


Established in 1963, the MSC is the world’s leading forum for debating international security and strategy. Themed “Unlearning Helplessness,” this year’s conference explores the emergence of a sense of “collective helplessness” in the West in the face of a plethora of challenges. Western societies need to demonstrate that they have the answers to those challenges, and that systemic competition can serve as a catalyst for reform and innovation, so that they still have a chance to turn the tide.


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