Yu Hongjun’s articles published in Far East Economic and Trade Herald


On January 25, the Far East Economic and Trade Herald (Russian version) published a full-page introduction of four important articles by Yu Hongjun in the past two years. Yu is former Vice Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, a fellow at the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies, and a China Forum expert. Entitled “Yu Hongjun’s Academic Achievements,” the collection included Extreme Nationalism and Radical Democratic Ethos are the Two Main Causes of Ukraine’s Internal and External Challenges, Keeping Pace with the Times and Constantly Innovating Its Diplomatic Efforts: Review and Reflections on the 100 Years of the Communist Party of China’s Foreign Relations, The US is the Chief Architect of the Post-World War II Cold War between the East and the West, and Toward a New Stage of Development Amidst Twists and Turns: A Look Ahead to the 21st-Century World Socialist Movement.

Founded in June 2005 and sponsored by Heilongjiang University, Far East Economic and Trade Herald (Russian version) aims to serve the strategic cooperation between China and Russia. Its publishes China’s important political and economic news, academic developments and outcomes, interviews, introduction of new books, market developments and consumption information, so as to promote the research achievements of Chinese scholars on strategic issues concerning Eurasia and relations between China and its neighbors, to promote Chinese history, culture and traditional customs, and to promote information on health, tourism in China and other topics.

Read the original article: Научные достижения Юй Хунцзюнь (24.01-2022-7)

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