YU Hongjun on Post-Pandemic Youth Cooperation at 4th Annual Conference of Global Youth Dialogue 2020


In the extraordinary year of 2020, COVID-19 has taught us that we, as humanity, share one future together. We have come to realize the importance of solidarity and cooperation among the world’s youths. Against this backdrop, the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), China held the 4th Annual Conference of Global Youth Dialogue 2020.


In his speech, China Forum expert YU Hongjun, former Vice Minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee and Contributing Expert at China Forum, pointed out the significance of effective dialogue, a strategic vision and inclusive development to restore world order after the pandemic. The constructive development of international relations, particularly U.S.-China relations, is crucial to the future of humanity and can only be achieved through extensive dialogue and cooperation.

Professor WANG Dong, Executive Director of the Institute for Global Cooperation and Understanding, Peking University, believes that the pandemic has undermined U.S. soft power, while China forges ahead with its development. 

Professor LIANG Kaiyin, Director of the Research Center for Youth Cultural Exchange at UIBE, underlined the need to train talents with a global vision, patriotism, citizenship awareness, and cross-cultural communication competence.

Professor JIN Bing, Associate Dean of the School of International Studies at UIBE, encouraged the younger generation to cultivate cultural awareness and cross-cultural communication know-how through Chinese and foreign classics.

Despite the global turmoil, cooperation will still prevail, said Professor WANG Jiayu from the School of Foreign Languages of Central China Normal University.

Scholars and youth representatives from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and China also expressed their willingness to promote global exchanges and cooperation and proposed their suggestions.

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