Noting that the economy and trade serve as the ballast and the propeller of China-ASEAN relations, Shi said the two sides have been each other’s largest trading partners for four consecutive years as well as each other’s significant sources of investment.
(英文摘自2024.08.15 China Daily网站)
This has provided ballast to bilateral relations, even as these have been buffeted by tensions over the South China Sea, including the tumultuous HD-981 oil rig incident in 2014. 尽管两国关系受到中国南海紧张局势,包括2014年动荡的HD-981石油钻井平台事件的冲击,此番举措仍为双边关系提供了“稳定锚”。Shi said that while strengthening practical cooperation in traditional areas such as the economy, trade, investment and infrastructure, the two sides should also tap the cooperation potential in emerging fields such as the digital economy, green energy, artificial intelligence and the blue economy.(中国—东盟中心秘书长)史忠俊表示,双方在加强经济、贸易、投资、基础设施等传统领域务实合作的同时,也应挖掘数字经济、绿色能源、人工智能、蓝色经济等新兴领域的合作潜力。(英文摘自2024.08.15 China Daily网站)Wang urged joint efforts to accelerate negotiations to upgrade the China-ASEAN free trade agreement, to advance integrated development of regional industrial and supply chains, to speed up the formation of competitive emerging industry clusters, to tap the potential for cooperation in emerging industries and the financial sector, and to expand the scale of settlement in local currency.(中共中央政治局委员、外交部长)王毅呼吁双方共同努力,加快中国—东盟自贸区谈判,推进区域产供链融合发展,加快形成具有竞争力的新兴产业集群。挖掘人工智能等新兴产业和金融合作潜力,扩大本币结算规模。
图片来源:ASEAN-China Center
Both ASEAN and China respect the diversity of civilizations, and advocate harmonious coexistence and dialogue among different civilizations on an equal footing, which ensures the booming development of ASEAN-China relations.东盟和中国都尊重文明的多样性,倡导不同文明的和谐共处和平等对话,继而确保了中国-东盟关系的蓬勃发展。(英文摘自2024.08.12 ASEAN-China Center网站)
This includes opening sectors such as telecommunications and medical services that foreign investors are particularly interested in, as well as creating a predictable institutional environment where foreign players have equal access to production factors and compete on an equal footing with domestic ones, either private or State-owned.这包括开放外国投资者非常感兴趣的电信和医疗服务等领域,并创造一个可预测的制度环境,使外国企业能够平等获取生产要素,与国内企业(无论是私营还是国有企业)在同等条件下竞争。(英文摘自2024.08.15 China Daily网站)Benito Gosiaco Techico stated that both ASEAN and China should give full play to the role of media in managing public opinion and rooting out misunderstanding, and establish grassroot-level people-to-people exchange mechanism, so as to pool friendly forces for the sound development of ASEAN-China all-round cooperation.许智钧(Benito Techico)表示,东盟与中国都应充分发挥媒体在管理舆论和根除误解方面的作用,并建立基层民间交流机制,以汇聚友好力量,推动东盟与中国全方位合作的良好发展。ASEAN member states are aiming to enhance their collective relations with China by reaching out at the grassroots level.东盟成员国旨在通过基层交流,加强东盟集团与中国的关系。(英文摘自2024.08.12 ASEAN-China Center网站)China, Thailand, Myanmar and Laos agreed on Friday to intensify efforts to jointly combat transnational crimes including online gambling, telecom fraud, drugs and human trafficking, in a bid to safeguard regional peace and、泰国、缅甸和老挝四国于周五同意协同合作,加大打击网赌电诈、毒品贩运、人口贩卖等跨境犯罪力度,以共同维护地区和平安宁。(英文摘自2024.08.17 China Daily网站)Indonesia and Thailand are bidding to become the first Southeast Asian countries to join the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).印度尼西亚和泰国正力求成为经济合作与发展组织(OECD)的首个东南亚成员国。(英文摘自2024.08.16 World Economic Forum网站)6. keep abreast with the times 与时俱进
Director General Bakri expressed deep appreciation to the hospitality of the ACC, spoke highly of the strong relations between ASEAN and China which always keep abreast with the times. (马来西亚外交和国际关系学院院长)赛义德·巴克利感谢中国—东盟中心热情接待,盛赞东盟中国关系渊源深厚,历久弥坚。(英文摘自2024.07.28 ASEAN-China Center网站)Pursuing modernization at a faster pace, both sides need to keep abreast with the times and open up new prospects for cooperation.在加快奔向现代化的进程中,(中泰)两国都要与时俱进,开辟新的合作前景。(英文摘自2024.01.28 Xinhua网站)1. The International Museum Day 国际博物馆日
May 18 this year is the 48th International Museum Day. A series of activities themed “See the Future through Inheritance” to celebrate the 2nd China-ASEAN Cultural Exchange (2024) was held in Beijing, China and Bangkok, Thailand on that day. Focusing on the cultural carrier of ancient buildings, it promoted exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations through various forms such as theme forums, round-table dialogues and interactive experiences.今年的5月18日是第48个国际博物馆日。“以传承见未来”2024第二届中国-东盟文化交流系列活动分别在中国北京和泰国曼谷同期举办。此次活动聚焦于古建筑这一文化载体,通过主题论坛、圆桌对话和互动体验等多种形式,促进不同文明之间的交流与互鉴。2. China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week
The 2024 China-ASEAN Education Cooperation Week was held in southwest China’s Guizhou Province from Aug. 20 to 25. More than 70 activities are scheduled for this year’s education cooperation week. It aims to expand the scope of cultural projects, promote the “education+ innovation” model, and boost industrial development through cooperation between universities and research institutions. The education cooperation week, which was first held in 2008, has developed into a high-end platform and bridge making positive contributions to China-ASEAN relations.2024年中国-东盟教育交流周于8月20日至25日在中国贵州省举行。本届教育交流周共有70多项活动,旨在扩大文化项目范围,推广“教育+创新”模式,通过高校与科研机构的合作,促进产业发展。中国-东盟教育交流周自2008年举办以来,已发展成为高端平台、坚实桥梁,为推动构建中国-东盟关系作出了积极贡献。