当今世界百年变局加速演进,全球经济发展面临重要关口,如何携手应对挑战,促进世界经济稳定健康发展,成为各方共同关切。2024年6月25日至27日,第十五届夏季达沃斯论坛(即世界经济论坛第十五届新领军者年会)在中国辽宁省大连市举行。来自世界各地的嘉宾就“未来增长的新前沿(Next Frontiers for Growth)”这一主题进行热烈交流。本次论坛围绕“全球新经济”“中国和世界”“人工智能时代的企业家精神”“产业新前沿”“对人进行投资”“气候、自然与能源的相互联系”等六大方向展开讨论。在为期三天的论坛中,来自100多个国家和地区的1700余名政商领袖和专家学者针对全球经济现状和发展进行讨论和观点碰撞。

In general terms, China’s economy is on the upswing, but that’s not to say it’s without its problems.总体而言,中国经济正处于上升期,但这并不意味着中国经济毫无问题。(英文摘自2024.07.01 World Economic Forum 网站)“China’s economy is on the upswing,” Peng said on Thursday at a subforum whose theme was the country’s economic outlook.(中国经济体制改革研究会会长)彭森周四在以中国经济前景为主题的分论坛上说:“中国经济正处于上升期。”(英文摘自2024.06.28 China Daily 网站)2. countercyclical [经]反周期的、逆周期的
But the country’s economy can be greatly boosted through countercyclicalpolicies and new growth momentum generated from new quality productive forces.但是,通过逆周期调控和新质生产力带来的新增长动力,可以极大地推动国家经济的发展。(英文摘自2024.06.27 Global Times 网站)China has multiple advantages, such as a large market size, strong endogenous vitality, solid development foundation, rapid development of new momentum and efficient supplies of various resources, in addition to the continuous optimization of macro adjustment policies by the Chinese government to strengthen countercyclical and cross-cyclical adjustments.中国政府不断优化宏观调控政策,加强逆周期和跨周期调节。此外,中国还具备市场规模大、内生力强、发展基础扎实、新动能发展迅速、各类资源供给有效等多重优势。(英文摘自2024.06.29 China Daily 网站)On the other hand, the event also has great relevance for the World, as China has become the epicenter of the global economy.另一方面,随着中国成为全球经济的中心,这次活动对世界也具有重要意义。(英文摘自2024.06.17 The News International 网站)China is the epicenter for innovation.(英文摘自2024.06.25 DW News 网站)Meanwhile, in various domains, ranging from technological development represented by AI to business-model innovation spearheaded by internet platforms, industry insiders participating at the event recognized that China is among the flagbearers, eyeing more spillover effects from China’s development of new quality productive forces.与此同时,从以人工智能为代表的技术发展,到以互联网平台为先导的商业模式创新,与会业内人士都认为中国在各个领域是领跑者之一,并期待中国新质生产力发展带来更多溢出效应。(英文摘自2024.06.27 China Daily 网站)This infrastructure showcases China’s potential to spearhead new growth models, emphasizing both physical and digital advancements.这些基础设施展示了中国引领新增长模式的潜力,同时强调了中国实体和数字技术的进步。Li’s remarks come as global pushback grows to China’s EV exports.(国务院总理)李强发表讲话之际,全球对中国电动汽车出口的阻力持续增加。(英文摘自2024.06.25 VOA News 网站)Chinese Premier Li Qiang has warned against a “vicious cycle” of economic decoupling from the West, as Beijing struggles to contain rising global pushback over soaring electric vehicle (EV) exports.中国国务院总理李强警示,要防止经济与西方脱钩的“恶性循环”,同时,中国政府正努力控制全球对电动汽车出口飙升的抵制。China’s premier defends national competitiveness as trade tensions simmer.China’s premier called Tuesday for countries to “oppose decoupling”, as economic tensions simmer between Beijing and the West, and the European Union prepares to impose new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles.随着中国与西方经济紧张局势加剧,欧盟准备对中国电动汽车征收新的关税,周二中国总理呼吁各国“反对脱钩断链”。(英文摘自2024.06.25 Yahoo News 网站)Merging art, technology and science, Krista Kim’s groundbreaking installation, Heart Space, is the very first collaborative biometric AI, generative art installation. Heart Space is an immersive experience that employs the power of AI to read individuals’ electrocardiograms (ECGs), showing the heart’s electrical activity. The installation then allows participants to connect with one another through the universal language of the human heartbeat.克里斯塔·金(Krista Kim)的开创性装置作品“心灵空间(Heart Space)”融合艺术、技术和科学,是首个合作性生物识别人工智能,生成式艺术装置。心灵空间是一种沉浸式体验,它通过人工智能读取每个人的心电图,显示心脏的电活动。这样,该装置能够让参与者通过人类心跳这一通用语言相互连结。(英文摘自2024.06.20 World Economic Forum 网站)图片来源:World Economic Forum1. Giant Plastic Tap 巨型塑料水龙头(艺术品)
Benjamin Von Wong is a hidden gem in the climate movement, seamlessly blending artistry with catalytic action and collaboration. His impact isn’t confined to galleries or online platforms; his work also serves as foundational material in classrooms across the globe, inspiring the next generation of climate advocates. At the Annual Meeting of New Champions, he will share insights into his pioneering art installations, including the four-storey tall Giant Plastic Tap, commissioned by the United Nations and showcased at the United Nations headquarters.本杰明·冯·王(Benjamin Von Wong)是气候运动中一颗还未被发掘的明珠,他将艺术性与催化作用与合作完美融合。他作品的影响力并不局限于画廊或网络平台,还是全球各地课堂的基础教材,激励下一代气候倡导者。在新领军者年会上,他将分享对先锋艺术装置的见解,包括受联合国委托,在联合国总部展出的四层楼高的巨型塑料水龙头。图片来源:World Economic Forum