



1. Truce n. 停战协定

Egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called in a statement to exert more effort to reach a deal in Gaza, saying he was closely following positive developments of the current negotiations to reach “a comprehensive truce”.


(英文摘自 2024.05.06 The Guardian 网站)

An Israeli official said on Monday a truce Hamas said it agreed to was a "softened" version of an Egyptian proposal that included "far-reaching" conclusions that Israel could not accept.


(英文摘自2024.05.06 Reuters 网站)

2. Maneuver v. 军事演习;(军队或船只的)调动,部署

Daniel Hagari, an Israel Defense Forces spokesman, said in a briefing later Monday: “We are considering any response and any answer in the most serious way and are pursuing every possibility for negotiations to return the hostages as quickly as possible.” He added that “in parallel, we are continuing to maneuver in the Gaza Strip.”


(英文摘自2024.05.06 The Washington Post 网站)

The demands (respect UN court, control settler violence in the West Bank) came at the end of the week that saw the international community put increasing pressure on Israel to fundamentally change the course of the war it wages on Hamas in the Gaza Strip through international court action and diplomatic maneuvering.


(英文摘自 2024.05.26 Associated Press 网站)



3.Toppling n. 推翻,颠覆

Israel insists on a temporary cease-fire, saying it will keep fighting afterward with the eventual aim of toppling Hamas’s rule in Gaza.


(英文摘自2024.05.06 The New York Times 网站)

In closely coordinated announcements, the leaders of the three countries (Spain, Norway, and Ireland) said that Palestinian independence cannot wait for a negotiated peace deal with Israel’s right-wing government, which largely opposes a two-state solution, has been expanding settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and is continuing to bombard Gaza without either toppling Hamas or bringing home all its hostages.


(英文摘自 2024.05.22 The New York Times 网站)

4. Projectile n. 炮弹;抛射体;自动推进武器

Israel's military said 10 projectiles were launched from Rafah in southern Gaza towards the area of the crossing, which it said was now closed to aid trucks going into the coastal enclave. 


(英文摘自2024.05.05 Reuters 网站)

Earlier on Sunday, the Israeli military said eight projectiles were identified crossing from the area of Rafah, the southern tip of the Gaza Strip where Israel kept up operations despite a ruling by the top U.N. court on Friday ordering it to stop attacking the city.


(英文摘自 2024.05.26 Reuters 网站)

5. Encampment Protest 营地抗议

Police officers in riot gear arrested dozens of protesters and began dismantling a pro-Palestinian encampment at the University of California, San Diego early Monday in the first sweep by law enforcement at the campus since the demonstration began last week.


(英文摘自2024.05.06 The New York Times 网站)

Campus rallies and vigils for victims of the war in Gaza have disrupted colleges since October and were supercharged on April 17, when students at Columbia University set up a Gaza solidarity encampment. Dozens of schools across the United States quickly followed suit.


(英文摘自2024.05.06 The Washington Post 网站)


图片来源:The New York Times


1. The International Day of Living Together in Peace国际和平共处日

The UN General-Assembly, in its resolution 72/130, declared 16 May the International Day of Living Together in Peace, as a means of regularly mobilizing the efforts of the international community to promote peace, tolerance, inclusion, understanding and solidarity. The Day invites countries to further promote reconciliation to help to ensure peace and sustainable development, including by working with communities, faith leaders and other relevant actors, through reconciliatory measures and acts of service and by encouraging forgiveness and compassion among individuals.



图片来源:Peace and Cooperation

2. The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers 联合国维持和平人员国际日

The General Assembly, in its resolution 57/129, designated 29 May as the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. This is the date when in 1948 the first UN peacekeeping mission named the "United Nations Truce Supervision Organization", or UNTSO, began operations in Palestine. On this day, we pay tribute to the professionalism, dedication and courage of all the men and women serving in UN peacekeeping operations, and honour the memory of those who have lost their lives in the cause of peace.



图片来源:United Nations



