


1. traumatic (经历)痛苦难忘的; 造成精神创伤的

The Russian missile and drone attacks that killed at least 19 people across Ukraine on Monday were traumatic and wide-ranging, but they were not as deadly as they could have been, in the context of a war that has included widespread civilian killing.


(英文摘自2022.10.12 CNN 网站)

Nearly 10 million Ukrainians are potentially at risk of mental disorders including acute stress, anxiety, depression, substance use and post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, according to a recent report by the World Economic Forum.


(英文摘自2022.10.27 VOA 网站)

图片来源:The New York Times 网站

2. sporadic 偶尔发生的;间或出现的;阵发性的;断断续续的

“They are low on precision guided missiles,” said Konrad Muzyka, founder of Gdansk, Poland-based Rochan Consulting, offering his assessment of Russia’s sporadic air attacks.


(英文摘自2022.10.14 The Washington Post 网站)

In a battered city on Ukraine’s southern coast, salt water runs from the taps and electricity is sporadic. Residents curse Russia, but also express frustration with their own leaders.


(英文摘自2022.10.27 The New York Times 网站)

图片来源:The Guardian 网站

3. orchestrate 精心安排;策划;密谋

The official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of a government ban on discussing the blast, added that Ukraine’s intelligence services had orchestrated the explosion, using a bomb loaded onto a truck being driven across the bridge.


(英文摘自2022.10.8 The New York Times 网站)

The Ukrainian capacity to orchestrate varied, well-led and concurrent military campaigns across their territory, and to orchestrate a campaign for hearts and minds through online platforms and beyond, are a harbinger of other potential conflicts this century.


(英文摘自2022.10.23 The Economics 网站)

4. shrug off 置之不理

Kyiv residents who for months had shrugged off air raid sirens rushed into basements, protected rooms or hallways, and especially deep underground subway stations, seen as the safest places to wait out the attacks.


(英文摘自2022.10.10 The Washington Post 网站)

The Russian moves showed that despite failing to gain momentum on the battlefield with widespread bombardments of Ukrainian cities and towns over the past week, the Kremlin intends to shrug off international condemnation and press ahead with efforts to link the occupied provinces to the Russian state.


(英文摘自2022.10.15 The New York Times 网站)


图片来源:The New York Times网站

5.mishandle 粗暴对待;胡乱操作

The Russian Defense Ministry cited an alleged Ukrainian drone attack Saturday against Russia’s Black Sea Fleet ships moored off the coast of occupied Crimea. Ukraine has denied the attack, saying that the Russians mishandled their own weapons.


(英文摘自 2022.10.30 AP News 网站)

The mishandled mobilization, renewed nuclear threats against the West, and the apparent sabotage of the two Nord Stream pipelines have only reinforced Western unity.


(英文摘自 2022.10.01 Foreign Policy 网站)

图片来源:The Brookings Institution 网站

6. pretext 借口;托词

The Kremlin continues to allege that Ukraine is preparing to use a radioactive “dirty bomb” on its own territory and blame it on Russia, a claim that Ukrainian and Western leaders denounce as baseless lies and a pretext to escalate the conflict.


(英文摘自 2022.10.28 CNBC 网站)

The US, France and Britain dismissed Russia’s claim as a “dangerous” lie and warned against using it as a pretext to escalate the conflict.


(英文摘自 2022.10.30 France 24 网站)

辑:宋忆宁  蒋绍澄
核稿:国佳  韩桦


