


1. natural-gas crunch n. 天然气紧张

The reason is Europe’s natural-gas crunch, the result of shortfalls in Russian imports that got worse after the invasion of Ukraine.


(英文摘自2022.10.03 Bloomberg 网站)

The aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine has created a severe natural gas crunch, pushing up bills for heating and electricity.


(英文摘自2022.09.06 Barrons 网站)

2. take a bite out of v. 大幅削减;大量扣除

In fact, European wages have been rising more slowly than American ones, even though prices are now rising faster. That’s another sign that inflation is taking a bigger bite out of living standards in Europe than in the US, where many workers got a pay bump in tight pandemic labor markets. 


(英文摘自2022.10.03 Bloomberg 网站)

In December, they expected 4 percent growth this year, and as recently as June they expected 1.7 percent growth. What happened? In a word, inflation. Rapidly rising prices have taken a huge bite out of “real” (inflation-adjusted) economic growth.


(英文摘自2022.09.21 NY Times 网站)

3. core inflation n. 核心通胀率(指消费价格指数中剔除食品和能源价格变化之后的价格变化率)

Core inflation is likely to take longer to fall in Europe than in the US, partly because Europe will continue to suffer from a bigger energy supply shock,” analysts at Capital Economics wrote last month. 


(英文摘自2022.10.03 Bloomberg 网站)



Core inflation, which excludes more volatile energy and food price to offer economists a clearer idea of underlying price pressures, rose 4.8 percent, up from 4.3 percent in August.


(英文摘自2022.10.01 Financial Times 网站)

4. spill-overs n. 外溢效应

“Given the strong spill-overs in the European energy markets, we will coordinate our measures to preserve the level playing field and the integrity of the single market, including by refraining from harmful tax adjustments,” the statement said.


(英文摘自2022.10.04 Reuters 网站)

Energy inflation and higher borrowing costs have increased the risk of recession which, in combination with the uncertainty caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, could spill over and cause a full-blown financial crisis, the agency warned on Thursday.


(英文摘自2022.10.03 EU observer 网站)

5. tug-of-war n. 拉锯战

“We’re in a radically different world now,” with fiscal and monetary authorities set for a kind of “tug-of-war,” he says. “The more governments ease, the more worried central banks will be about inflation, so the more they’ll be tightening.” 


(英文摘自2022.10.03 Bloomberg 网站)

Choosing a more modest rise of 0.5 percentage points on Thursday to put interest rates at 2.25 percent, the BoE Policy Committee instead steadied itself for a game of tug of war with the new ministerial team running the Treasury this autumn.


(英文摘自2022.09.23 Financial Times 网站)



6. main culprit n. 罪魁祸首

Price increases were beyond what market analysts had expected and are at their highest level since record-keeping for the euro started in 1997. Energy prices were the main culprit, rising 40.8% over a year ago. Food, alcohol and tobacco prices jumped 11.8%.


(英文摘自2022.09.30 APNEWS 网站)

辑:王妍妍 徐亚晖

核稿:韩桦 武一琪


