阿富汗战争持续近20年。作为始作俑者,美军正以比公开宣称的更快的速度撤离。当地时间7月12日,驻阿富汗美军最高指挥官辞职。美国在阿富汗的穷兵黩武,留下了成千上万流离失所的人民和千疮百孔的国民经济,以及阿富汗再次爆发内战的危险。1、“over-the-horizon” capabilities 超视距战斗能力With U.S. and coalition combat troops all but gone from Afghanistan, Western officials are preparing to face down terrorist threats with the promise of “over-the-horizon” capabilities that may be ill-suited to the danger that groups such as al-Qaida and Islamic State currently pose.随着美国和联军作战部队几乎全部撤离阿富汗,西方官员正准备以“超视距”战斗能力对付恐怖主义威胁,而这种能力可能并不适合对付基地组织和伊斯兰国等组织目前所构成的危险。As for the over-the-horizon capability, Kirby said DOD is in active discussions with the State Department regarding the nature of what that capability will be. 至于超视距战斗能力,柯比表示国防部正在与国务院就这种能力可能的性质进行积极讨论。(英文摘自2021.7.6 Defense.gov网站)When the US launched the Afghan War 20 years ago, it was full of confidence and was determined to win. But soon, the US found that it was stuck in a quagmire, repeatedly adjusting its war goals. 20年前美国发动阿富汗战争时,满怀信心,决意必胜。但很快,美国发现自己陷入了泥潭,反复调整自己的战争目标。(英文摘自2021.7.4 Global Times网站)In the end the former US defence secretary (Donald Rumsfeld) did two quagmires, airily assuming Afghanistan was “won” in the spring of 2003 when he sent American troops to fight in Iraq.最后,这位美国前国防部长(唐纳德·拉姆斯菲尔德)陷入了两个泥潭,其轻率地认为,在2003年春,当他派美国军队去伊拉克作战时,阿富汗已经“赢了”。(英文摘自2021.7.4 The Guardian网站)3、graveyard of empires 帝国坟场It is not without reason that Afghanistan is known as the “graveyard of empires”. (英文摘自2021.7.6 Financial Times网站)So the United States became the latest victim of the“graveyard of empires”, just as Britain had in the 19th century and the former Soviet Union had during the 1980s. 因此,美国成为了“帝国坟场”的最新受害者,就像19世纪的英国和20世纪80年代的前苏联一样。(英文摘自2021.7.9 Foreign Policy网站)Contrarily, Afghanistan would not only fall prey to a civil war but would also continually render it a hotbed of international intrigues and pulls.相反,阿富汗不仅会成为内战的牺牲品,还会不断使其成为国际阴谋和牵制的温床。(英文摘自2021.7.7 Pak Observer网站)The battle unfolding in Qala-e-Naw, a city of about 50,000 people, has increasingly looked like a direct assault, with the remaining government forces pinned down. 随着剩余的政府军被压制,在人口约5万的巴德吉斯省首府瑙堡市展开的战斗,越来越像是一场直接攻击。(英文摘自2021.7.7 New York Times网站)中国论坛『热词解码』栏目,旨在通过中英双语解读热门词汇,帮助大家进一步了解国际热议话题及地道的英语表达方式