连日来,河南暴雨引发全国人民和各国媒体的关注。从大暴雨到特大暴雨,后来变成百年不遇特大暴雨。郑州更在20日出现1小时内降雨量达到201.9毫米,超过100个西湖的蓄水量。在这场灾难中,武警消防官兵奋战在抗洪救灾一线,普通群众、公众人物与各大企业纷纷有钱出钱,有力出力,再一次向全世界展示了中国人团结、友爱、互助的精神面貌。Several dams and reservoirs have breached warning levels, and soldiers have been mobilised to divert rivers which have burst their banks.几座水坝和水库水位已经超过警戒线,士兵驰援分流已经决堤的河流。Torrential rainfall and burst rivers swamp Henan cities, with commuters trapped on subway trains.暴雨和决堤河流淹没多座河南城市,通勤者受困于地铁。(英文摘自2021.07.21 The Guardian网站)Zhengzhou saw 624mm of rainfall on Tuesday, with a third of that amount falling between 16:00 and 17:00 alone, which “smashed historical records”.郑州周二的降雨量为 624 毫米,其中仅16:00 至 17:00 之间就降了三分之一雨量,“大破历史记录”。At that moment, she heard footsteps on top of the train, and firefighters started to smash open the windows to let in fresh air.就在这时,她听到火车顶传来脚步声,消防员开始砸开窗户使新鲜空气进入。Other videos show inundated subway stations and commuters on a Zhengzhou subway car who were up to their shoulders in water.其他视频显示,地铁站已被淹没,水已没过郑州地铁上的通勤者肩膀。(英文摘自2021.07.20 Washington Post网站)The flood that inundated Line 5 of Zhengzhou’s subway on Tuesday added to the grim global toll extreme weather has taken already this year, with scorching heat in the Pacific Northwest, forest fires in Siberia, and flooding in Germany and Belgium.今年全球极端天气造成了太平洋西北部酷暑、西伯利亚森林火灾、德国比利时洪水泛滥,周二淹没郑州地铁5号线的洪水更使严峻情形雪上加霜。(英文摘自2021.07.20 The New York Times网站)More downpours were expected in the area in the coming hours.(英文摘自2021.07.20 Washington Post网站)Connections between rivers and lakes have been cut and disrupted flood plains which once absorbed much of the region's annual summer downpours.河流与湖泊之间的连接已被断开,导致洪泛平原遭到破坏,这些平原曾经吸纳该地区每年夏季大部分的倾盆大雨。At least 33 people have died and eight remain missing in central China, as authorities ramp up rescue and recovery efforts following devastating floods.中国中部地区至少有 33 人死亡,另有 8 人失踪,洪灾后当局加大救援和恢复工作力度。By Wednesday, media said food and water supplies had run out for hundreds of passengers stranded on a train that had stopped just beyond the city limits of Zhengzhou two days earlier.截止周三,有媒体称两天前就滞留在郑州市区外火车上的数百名乘客已经耗尽所有食物和水供应。(英文摘自2021.07.22 Reuters网站)中国论坛『热词解码』栏目,旨在通过中英双语解读热门词汇,帮助大家进一步了解国际热议话题及地道的英语表达方式