在全球变暖的威胁日益扩大、各国碳排放依然居高不下时,中国宣布将在2030年实现碳峰值,2060年实现碳中和,并快步走向绿色经济,体现了大国担当。There is every reason to be alarmed about anthropogenic climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss, all of which have been accelerating in recent decades and do pose existential threats.我们完全应该重视人为造成的气候变化、污染以及生物多样性减少,近年来这些趋势都在加速,并且构成了对人类生存的威胁。(英文摘自2021.04.16 Foreign Policy网站)Chinese researchers have discovered that greenhouse gases and anthropogenic aerosols induced rainfall reduction in northern Central Asia.中国研究人员发现,温室气体和人造烟雾质造成中亚北部的降雨量减少。(英文摘自2021.04.16 Xinhua网站)Chinese President Xi Jinping slammed the European Union’s plan for a carbon tax system Friday in a call with the leaders of France and Germany, state media reported.据中国媒体报道,中国国家主席习近平周五在与法国和德国领导人的通话中抨击了欧盟的碳关税制度计划。(英文摘自2021.04.16 France24网站)Canada’s national carbon tax will remain intact after the country’s Supreme Court ruled in favour of its legality.加拿大最高法院裁定其碳税合法,因此加拿大的全国碳税将保持不变。3、Greenwashing 漂绿,即一个组织宣称自己就环保所作出的努力,但是其实只是宣传,没有实质行动And as the Biden administration continues to push for climate change to be a top priority more advocacy groups and businesses are honing in on greenwashing as a problem the government needs to address.而随着拜登政府继续推动气候变化为当务之急,越来越多的倡导团体和企业指出漂绿现象为政府需要解决的问题。(英文摘自2021.04.08 ABC News网站)This approach by investors gave rise to a set of practices, so-called greenwashing, as a form of misleading propaganda to try to promote the perception that a company’s products, objectives or policies were environmentally friendly, so as to increase its profits.投资者的这种做法产生了一套做法,即所谓的“漂绿”,这是一种误导性宣传,目的是使人们认为一家公司的产品、目标或政策对环境无害,从而增加其利润。(英文摘自2021.03.23 Forbes网站)China’s decarbonization plans must begin with its steel sector, which contributes 15 percent of its total carbon emissions. 中国的低碳化计划必须从钢铁行业开始,因为钢铁行业的碳排放量占中国碳排放总量的15%。(英文摘自2021.04.15 the Diplomat 网站)▲图片来源:The Century FoundationGroups representing traders and the biggest industrial and energy companies in the U.K. and Europe called on British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to establish a link between the country’s nascent emissions trading program and that run by Brussels.代表英国和欧洲的贸易商和最大的工业和能源公司的团体呼吁英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊在该国新生的排放交易计划和布鲁塞尔已在运作的计划之间建立联系。(英文摘自2021.04.15 Bloomberg网站)China’s national emissions trading system, or ETS, which launched earlier this year, will be instrumental in meeting the country's 2060 carbon neutrality goals by using market-based mechanisms, with tighter regulations allowing for more rapid decarbonization of the power sector, the International Energy Agency said in its latest report on China's ETS.国际能源署在其关于中国排放交易体系的最新报告中表示,中国今年年初启动的国家排放交易体系,将有助于通过使用市场机制来实现中国2060年的碳中和目标,更严格的监管使其电力行业得以加快低碳化。(英文摘自2021.04.14 S&P Global网站)中国论坛『热词解码』栏目,旨在通过中英双语解读热门词汇,帮助大家进一步了解国际热议话题及地道的英语表达方式