2021年3月,以H&M集团、耐克公司等为代表的一系列瑞士良好棉花发展协会(BCI)的会员被相继爆出曾发表有关“暂停使用新疆棉的产品及原材料”的官方声明,且声称是出于对新疆地区强迫劳动问题的“关切”。此举引发来自中国民众对这些品牌及其产品的强烈抵制。1、political gamesmanship 政治博弈Last week, calls for the cancellation of H&M and other Western brands went out across Chinese social media as human rights campaigns collided with cotton sourcing and political gamesmanship.上周,随着人权运动、棉花采购和政治博弈的碰撞,抵制H&M和其他西方品牌的呼声在中国社交媒体上不断发出。(英文摘自2021.3.29, The New York Times网站)A number of overseas retailers have faced a public backlash from Chinese consumers who have circulated statements from the brands on social media announcing they will cease sourcing from Xinjiang.由于在社交媒体平台上发声明称将停止从新疆采购,许多海外零售商正面临着来自中国消费者的强烈抵制。(英文摘自2021.3.27, Reuters网站)3、patriotic backlash 爱国主义抵制Chinese celebrity endorsers have abandoned several foreign retail labels, including six U.S. brands such as Nike, as Western concerns over labor conditions in Xinjiang spark a patriotic backlash from consumers.西方国家对新疆劳动力生产状况的“担忧”引发了中国消费者出于爱国主义的自发抵制,许多中国明星也因此放弃了包括耐克在内的六个美国品牌的代言。(英文摘自2021.3.27,Reuters网站)4、caught between rock and hard place 进退两难The EU chamber said that while it did not comment on individual cases, “the increased politicisation of business is seeing more European companies being caught between a rock and a hard place”.欧盟商会表示,虽然不便对个别案例发表评论,但“商业的政治化程度提高,越来越多的欧洲公司正处于进退两难的境地”。5、 chickens come home to roost 自作自受,报应Last summer, many Western brands issued statements expressing concerns about human rights in their supply chain. Some even cut ties with the region all together. Now, months later, the chickens are coming home to roost: Chinese netizens are reacting with fury, charging the allegations are an offense to the state. 去年夏天,许多西方品牌发表声明,对新疆棉花供应链中的人权问题表示关切,一些品牌甚至完全切断了与该地区的关系。现在,在事件发酵几个月后,报应随之而来,中国网民对此反应强烈、十分愤怒,指控这些声明是针对国家的冒犯。(英文摘自2021.3.29,The New York Times网站)6、wade into (常指不计后果地)介入,干涉Other brands have purposefully decided not to wade into the war. Skechers have said they will continue to buy Uyghur cotton. Inditex, which owns Zara, has deleted statements from its website saying that forced labor allegations were “highly concerning”.其他品牌则有意决定不介入这场“战争”。Skechers表示将继续购买新疆棉,而拥有Zara的Inditex集团已经删除了其网站上声称强迫劳动“非常令人担忧”的声明。中国论坛『热词解码』栏目,旨在通过中英双语解读热门词汇,帮助大家进一步了解国际热议话题及地道的英语表达方式