2月25日上午,全国脱贫攻坚总结表彰大会在人民大会堂召开,标志着在中国共产党成立一百周年之际,全国脱贫攻坚战取得全面胜利。习近平主席在大会上宣布,中国现行标准下9899万农村贫困人口全部脱贫,832个贫困县全部摘帽,完成了消除绝对贫困的艰巨任务。Over the years, many foreign scholars have been trying to decipher the “code” of poverty alleviation in China. Their views can be summarized as “5Ds”-Determined Leadership, Detailed Blueprint, Development Oriented, Data-based Governance and Decentralized Delivery, according to “Chinese Poverty Alleviation Studies: A Political Economy Perspective,” a report published by New China Research, a Chinese think tank.多年来,许多外国学者一直在试图破解中国扶贫的“密码”。根据中国智库“新华社国家高端智库”发表的报告《中国减贫学——政治经济学视野下的中国减贫理论与实践》,他们的观点可以概括为“5D”——坚强领导、细绘蓝图、发展导向、数字治理和分级实施。(英文摘自2021.3.2 The Herald网站)Calling China a “learner, beneficiary and innovator of global poverty alleviation theories,” the recent special study by Xinhua summarized foreign experts’ views of Chinese inspirations for the world as “5Ds”: Determined Leadership, Detailed Blueprint, Development Oriented, Data-based Governance and Decentralized Delivery.新华社最近的专题研究报告称中国是“全球减贫理论的学习者、受益者和创新者”,报告总结了中国减贫带给世界的启示,将外国专家的启发概括为“5D”:坚强领导、细绘蓝图、发展导向、数字治理和分级实施。(英文摘自2021.3.2 CCTV English News网站)2、Targeted poverty alleviation 精准扶贫/定向扶贫One of the central pillars of the poverty alleviation efforts under Xi’s leadership has been the strategy of targeted poverty alleviation. The President first put forward the notion in 2013 during an inspection tour in the Hunan province. The approach calls for the implementation of tailored sets of measures targeting households and individuals rather than whole villages or counties.习近平领导的扶贫工作的核心支柱之一是精准扶贫战略。习近平主席在2013年考察湖南时首次提出这一构想。该战略要求实施针对家庭和个人量身定做的一整套措施,而非针对整个县乡。(英文摘自2019.04 Institute for Security & Development Policy网站)In 2014, China’s government implemented a strategy of Targeted Poverty Alleviation, which allows the government and local officials to address the needs of individuals and households rather than entire villages. Local officials use data from a local registration system containing information from more than 128,000 villages to identify and provide support to poverty-stricken areas. 2014年,中国政府实施了精准扶贫战略,使得政府和地方官员有能力解决个人和家庭的需求,而非以村庄为整体的需求。当地官员利用包括128000多个村庄的信息的地方登记系统提供的数据来确定贫困地区并为其提供帮扶。(英文摘自2020.10.3 The Borgen Project网站)▲图片来源: The Borgen Project网站While China has officially ended abject poverty, officials have cautioned that the country faces a serious wealth gap issue.虽然中国官方已经宣布消灭了赤贫,但官员们提醒说,中国仍面临着严重的贫富差距问题。(英文摘自2021.2.27 South China Morning Post网站)China’s state-run media has proclaimed, “China has lifted 700 million people out of poverty through more than 30 years of reform and opening-up.” And China declares its intention to “lift” even more out of abject poverty.中国官方媒体宣称:“改革开放30年以来,中国已使7亿人脱贫”,并宣布要使更多人“摆脱赤贫”。(英文摘自2020.10.6 The Borgen Project网站)4、Rural resettlement program 农村安置战略A further component of the grand architecture of the anti-poverty policy is the rural resettlement program. Deemed a key strategy in the fight against poverty, it encourages the relocation of elements of the rural population who live in remote or ecologically fragile regions to areas closer to the cities.反贫困政策宏伟架构的另一个组成部分是农村安置方案。它被视为是消除贫困的一项关键战略,鼓励生活在偏远或生态脆弱地区的农村人口迁移到离城市更近的地区。(英文摘自2019.04 Institute for Security & Development Policy网站) ▲图片来源: The Borgen Project网站5、 Ecological poverty-relief program 生态扶贫战略China also develops ecological poverty-relief programs, including ecological compensation and government-sponsored afforestation projects. For example, forestry authorities nationwide have recruited a total of about 1.1 million forest rangers from impoverished households since 2016. More than 20 million people shook off poverty through such programs, according to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration.中国还定制了生态扶贫方案,包括生态补偿和政府资助的植树造林项目。例如,2016年以来,全国林业部门共从贫困户中招聘了约110万名护林员。根据国家林业和草原局的数据,有2000多万人通过这些项目摆脱了贫困。(英文摘自2021.2.3 Xinhua New网站)6、 Rural revitalization 乡村振兴In a “No.1 policy document” released on Sunday, China vowed to maintain its poverty alleviation policies, while making some adjustments for a five-year transition toward what Beijing calls “rural revitalization”.在周日发布的一份一号文件中,中国誓言将继续推进其扶贫政策,同时对北京所称的为期五年的“乡村振兴”过渡做出一些调整。(英文摘自2021.3.3 VOA News网站)Rural revitalization is a way of positively transforming rural areas for present and future generations, as described in this signature chapter co-authored with UNDP. 正如与联合国开发计划署合著的这一标志性章节中所述,乡村振兴是为今世后代积极改造农村地区的一种方式。(英文摘自2019 International Food Policy Research Institute网站)▲图片来源: South China Morning Post网站中国论坛『热词解码』栏目,旨在通过中英双语解读热门词汇,帮助大家进一步了解国际热议话题及地道的英语表达方式