
Denver Mayor Michael B. Hancock (D) announced new restrictions starting Wednesday, capping capacity at most businesses at 25 percent. He lashed out at people and officials whose laissez-faire responses to the virus, he said, were preventing cities and states from controlling the spread.
(英文摘自2020.10.29Washington Post网站)
Facing a growing storm of criticism about his laissez-faire response to the fast-spreading coronavirus, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced on Monday that he would place Britain under a virtual lockdown, closing all nonessential shops, banning meetings of more than two people, and requiring people to stay in their homes, except for trips for food or medicine.
(英文摘自2020.5.23New York Times网站)
In increasingly vocal terms, Dr. Fauci has been separating himself from the White House and warning Americans to “hunker down” and brace for a difficult winter — a message at odds with Mr. Trump’s repeated, if false, assurances that the nation is “rounding the corner” on a pandemic that has claimed about 220,000 American lives.
(英文摘自2020.10.19New York Times网站)
But for Ms Von der Leyen the challenge is formidable: now is the time tohunker down for the long haul of relaunching the EU economy after it was crushed by the health crisis.
(英文摘自2020.9.2Financial Times网站)
In daily campaign events, he(Mr. Trump) predicts the nation is “rounding the corner” on the virus.
(英文摘自2020.10.28The Wall Street Journal网站)
With the spike in cases, health care officials across the state have beenbracing for a strain on the system.
(英文摘自2020.10.19New York Times网站)
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