"The one-China principle is the political basis and fundamental precondition for the establishment and development of China-US diplomatic ties," Hua said, adding that there is only one China and Taiwan is an inalienable partof China's territory.
(英文摘自2020.09.01China Daily网站)
Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China, said the local government spokesman in reaction to US President Donald Trump’s statement on new security law.
(英文摘自2020.05.31 Anadolu Agency网站)
"Recently the US and the Democratic Progressive party have stepped up collaboration and frequently stirred up trouble," said a defence ministry spokesperson. "Those who play with fire will get burned."
“近期,美国和民进党当局加紧勾连,频繁制造事端。” 国防部发言人表示:“玩火者必自焚!”
(英文摘自2020.09.18 financial times网站)
"On issues involving China's core interests, some people in the U.S. must not harbor illusions, those who play with fire will get burned," said foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian at a regular press briefing.
(英文摘自2020.08.12 daily sabah网站)
One thing is clear though: companies on the mainland believe that whoever is in the White House the tough stance on China is here to stay.
(英文摘自2020.08.28 BBC网站)
Trump wants to position the deal as an example of his tough stance on China - an issue he's sought to elevate in the final weeks before the presidential election amid broad criticism of his handling of the novel coronavirus.
(英文摘自2020.09.21 Washington Post网站)
△图片来源:financial times
TikTok deal faces complications as U.S. and China ratchet up tit-for-tat.
(英文摘自2020.08.31 nytimes网站)
The drill confirms concerns in Taipei that the People’s Liberation Army would ratchet up military pressure closer to Taiwan’s borders once the coronavirus crisis receded in China.
(英文摘自2020.09.10 financial times网站)
Some of Wall Street’s most powerful financial institutions are stepping up efforts to strike deals in China even as relations sour between Beijing and the US.
(英文摘自2020.09.10 financial times网站)
China's stepped up effort to remake its economy was a "long-term strategic move," he said.
中国论坛『热词解码』栏目,旨在通过中英双语解读热门词汇, 帮助大家进一步了解国际热议话题及地道的英语表达方式。