1、floating storage 浮动(石油)存储量
The volume of key oil products held in floating storage around the globe has more than doubled in the past month to about 68 million barrels, according to data from oil analytics firm Vortexa.
(英文摘自2020.04.28 SINOPECNEWS 网站)
China's so-called floating storage -- defined as barrels of oil on vessels waiting for seven days or longer -- has nearly quadrupled since the end of May, according to ClipperData.
(英文摘自2020.07.01 WRAL网站)
It could take up to two months to fully discharge floating storage of about 70-80 million barrels, said FGE analyst Jiyao Chen.
FGE分析师Chen Jiyao表示,要完成约7000-8000万桶的浮动存储石油的卸船,可能需要多达两个月的时间。
(英文摘自2020.07.23 Reuters网站)
But estimates point to growing amounts of oil in both onshore storage and floating storage off China.
(英文摘自2020.07.21 Oilprice网站)
2、in fits and starts 间歇地/零零星星地
While the rest of the world continues to struggle with fuel demand recovery in fits and starts, China has been a key factor in supporting oil prices as it breaks crude oil import records.
(英文摘自2020.07.21 Oilprice网站)
Oil price has been a puppet in the hands of COVID-19 since the start of the year. A reemergence of cases across the world as lockdown measures are eased underscores that (oil) demand recovery will come in fits and starts at best.
(英文摘自2020.06.19 S&P Global Platts网站)
3、snap up 抢购
Chinese buyers have snapped up other commodities. On Thursday, they booked deals to buy 197,000 tonnes of U.S. soybeans, the seventh weekday in a row that the government has reported a sale to the world’s top buyer of the oilseed.
(英文摘自2020.08.15 Reuters网站)
China is set to import a record amount of U.S. crude oil in July, Refinitiv data showed, as the cargoes that bargain hunters snapped up during the April price rout get delivered to the world's top importer.
(英文摘自2020.06.12 Nasdaq网站)
China snaps up Russia's expensive Urals oil in thirst for sour barrels.
4、buying binge大量购入/狂购
"China went on a global buying binge,” said Matt Smith, director of commodity strategy at ClipperData. "There is just this deluge of crude building up offshore."
ClipperData商品策略主管Matt Smith表示:“中国在全球范围内大量采购(石油),有大量原油堆积在海上。”
(英文摘自2020.07.01 CNN 网站)
China oil imports surge 25% in July from a year ago on buying binge.
(英文摘自2020.08.07 Reuters网站)
The world’s biggest importer will ship in much less crude in September and October than it did in May and June, with private refiners seeing purchases drop as much as 40%, according to analysts from ICIS-China and FGE. The drop-off is coming as the plants known as teapots run out of quotas following a buying binge earlier this year.
5、bargain hunting 趁低价购入/逢低买进
The hoarding of oil at sea is a reflection of China's bargain-hunting during a time of extreme stress in the energy market.
(英文摘自2020.07.01 CNN网站)
The bumper crude oil arrivals for June followed bargain-hunting by Chinese refiners when oil prices collapsed in April amid the coronavirus pandemic.
(英文摘自2020.07.14 MarketScreener网站)
6、dirt cheap 极便宜的
But the Chinese buying spree may be coming to an end, as oil is not as dirt cheap as it was in April and as China is estimated to have amassed large crude inventories in commercial and strategic storage.
(英文摘自2020.07.21 Oilprice网站)
In June, this rate may have been as high as 2.77 million bpd, Russell estimated, which suggests that China may be stockpiling the dirt cheap oil it bought at April’s prices for processing later this year.
(英文摘自2020.07.22 oilandgaspeople.com 网站)