| 图片来源:The Guardian网站
1.数字鸿沟 digital divide
It threatens to move Britain into the digital slow lane, push up bills and deepen the digital divide. said Ed Brewster, a spokesperson for Huawei UK.
Everyone's going digital but digital divide is still widening.
(英文选自2020.04.18 disruptive.asia网站)
2.(态度的)彻底转变/变脸 about-face
UK bans Huawei from its 5G network in rapid about-face.
(英文选自2020.07.14 CNN Business网站)
In an about-face, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has told officials to create plans to reduce Huawei's involvement in the country's 5G networks to zero by 2023.
(英文选自2020.05.23 Gizmodo.com网站)
3.出尔反尔 backtrack( on)
UK reportedly poised to backtrack on Huawei inclusion in 5G.
(英文选自2020.07.14 Washington Post网站)
Prime Minister plans to backtrack on previous decision to allow Chinese giant to play a role in next-generation telecoms.
(英文选自2020.05.27 Civil Service World网站)
4.逐步淘汰 phase out
UK could phase out Huawei equipment from 5G network due to US sanctions.
(英文选自 2020.07.17 ResearchAndMarkets.com网站)
Huawei’s networking equipment is to be phased out of the UK's 5G networks, the government announced today.
(英文选自2020.07.14 The Verse网站)
5.“随风起舞” dancing to the tune
Last week Liu Xiaoming, China’s ambassador to the U.K., accused Johnson’s government of 'gross interference' in domestic policy and accused the U.K. of 'dancing to the tune' of the U.S. over Huawei.
上周,中国驻英国大使刘晓明指责约翰逊政府 “严重干涉”中国内政并在华为问题上跟着美国“随风起舞”。
(英文选自2020.07.10 Bloomberg网站)
| 图片来源:© Tolga Akmen/AFP
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