Telecommuting will likely continue long after the pandemic.
(英文选自2020.04.06 brookings.edu网站)
Nineteen measures have been identified for the development of new business models such as online education, online health services,telecommuting,digital governance, according to the guideline.
7月15日,国家发展和改革委员会等13部门联合印发了《关于支持新业态新模式健康发展 激活消费市场带动扩大就业的意见》,意见提出19项举措重点支持15种新业态新模式——包括在线教育、互联网医疗、线上办公、数字化治理等。
2.下单激增transactions surge
Transactions surge during China's mid-year online shopping spree.
WhatsApp payments might become India’s leading digital banking service, as online transactions surge Due to COVID-19.
(英文选自2020.06.15 crowdfundinsider网站)
3.加快建设 expedite construction
Trump weakens environmental law to expedite construction permits.
特朗普提议修订环境法规《国家环境政策法》(National Environmental Policy Act)以加快基础设施项目的审批。
(英文选自2020.07.15 New York Times网站)
China is forecast to have more than 150 million 5G mobile subscribers by the end of this year as the nation's efforts to expedite construction of new infrastructure are expected to help fuel economic growth, experts and company executives said.
(英文选自2020.06.10 中国日报网)
The political portion of the plan was rolled out on 28 January 2020.
Rapid 5G rollout is securing the future.
(英文选自2020.06.10 中国日报网)
5.绥靖政策policy of appeasement
William Barr, the US attorney-general, chided corporate America on Thursday for its “appeasement” of the Chinese Communist party and warned that US business leaders advocating for Beijing could fall foul of foreign lobbying laws.
The aggressive rhetoric built on what has been a steady drumbeat of warnings and prosecutions relating to China from the Department of Justice in recent years.
(英文选自2020.07.16 Financial Times网站)
“There is an acceleration of efforts to demonise China and China does not want to take that,” Prof Jia Qingguo, dean of international relations at Peking University said.
(英文选自2020.07.09 Financial Times网站)
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