



一、 战略层面

关于对中国的战略定位,2020年9月25日,布林肯就全球挑战问题接受哥伦比亚广播公司新闻台(CBS News)采访时称,来自中国日益增长的挑战,是美国所面临的最大外部挑战。涉及经济、技术、军事、外交等多方面。然而,这种关系有对立和竞争方面,但也有合作方面。

I think we all recognize China poses a growing challenge, arguably the biggest challenge, we face from another nation state: economically, technologically, militarily, even diplomatically. And, you know, the relationship has adversarial aspects, competitive aspects, but also cooperative ones.


I think the question we have to ask ourselves is, 'What is the most effective strategy to protect and advance our security, our prosperity, our values when it comes to engaging with China?' And I think the Vice President would tell you that we have to start by putting ourselves in a position of strength from which to engage China so that the relationship moves forward more on our terms than on theirs.


…that in many ways the challenge posed by China is almost less about their strength and more about our own self-inflicted weaknesses. The challenge is about us. And so that means we have to focus on the competitiveness of our own economy and workers, the strength of our own democracy and political system, the vibrancy of our own alliances and partnerships, and the assertion of our own values, all of which President Trump has done so much to undermine, but all of which are actually within our control. So that's where the Vice President would focus first, in making those investments. And that's also, by the way, the best basis upon which to advance cooperation with China on issues of mutual concern, whether it's climate change, whether it's nonproliferation or global health.



But the good news about each of these is that they’re fully within our control.;There’s no doubt that China poses the most significant challenge to us of any other country, but it’s a complicated one.



My concern now is that in terms of China’s strategic interests and in terms of our own, China, as a result of the last three and a half years is in a stronger position and we’re in a weaker position and that’s what a Biden administration would have to start to rebuild from.


There is a growing consensus across parties that China poses a series of new challenges and that the status quo was really not sustainable particularly when it comes to China’s commercial and economic practices, the lack of reciprocity in the relationships or something that couldn’t be sustained and needed to be and continue to need to be dealt with.



There are adversarial aspects to the relationship, there’s certainly competitive ones, and there’s still some cooperative ones, too. But whether we’re dealing with any of those aspects of the relationship, we have to be able to approach China from a position of strength, not weakness.And that strength, I think, comes from having strong alliances, something China does not have.



As China’s Belt and Road initiative draws Asia, Europe and the Middle East closer together in ways that serve Beijing’s interests, the democracies also need a global perspective—and new institutions to forge a common strategic, economic and political vision.



Even on China, where we can expect the Biden administration to maintain a tough stance on issues related to security and technology, we will see greater coordination with allies on these efforts, with room for engagement on global issues like climate change.



2019年1月9日,布林肯就情报问题接受哥伦比亚广播公司新闻台(CBS News)采访时称,美国在贸易及其相关领域对华采取极具对抗性的手段没有错,因为两国商业关系缺乏对等,完全不可持续。

a very confrontational approach over trade and related issues which is not wrong in the sense that the lack of reciprocity in the commercial relationship was totally un-sustained.


…throwing out the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a huge strategic mistake. This was our best lever to change Chinese behavior. 40% of world GDP with us in it represented, something that China would want to get into, not stay out of, that's gone. Not making common cause with our allies who are similarly situated when it comes to China, who are aggrieved in the same way with technology transfer, the theft of intellectual property, the lack of transparency, unfair competition from state-owned enterprises.


2020年7月9日,布林肯在接受学者沃尔特·米德访谈,2020年9月25日,布林肯就全球挑战问题接受哥伦比亚广播公司新闻台(CBS News)采访时均表示,联合盟友对抗中国的路径是可行的。特别在贸易领域,当美国试图独自应对中国时,盟国和伙伴出于自保,不会站在美国这边。如果联合伙伴和盟友,共同占到世界GDP的50%或60%,中国将很难忽视这样的力量。

one of the things I think that’s been a deficiency in the Trump administration’s approach to contending with China is it’s done so not with our allies and partners but without them, indeed while alienating them. We need to rally our allies and partners instead of alienating them to deal with some of the challenges that China poses. For example, on trade, as you know, Walter, we’re about 25% of world GDP alone. When we’re working with allies and partners, depending on who we bring into the mix, it’s 50 or 60% of GDP. That’s a lot more weight and a lot harder for China to ignore.


Look, there's no guarantee. But, for example,on trade, when we're acting alone, when we manage to pick fights with with our partners and allies who are similarly situated when it comes to China. And so they're not with us and we're trying to deal with this alone. We're about 25 percent of the world's GDP. When we have our partners and allies with us, we're 50 or 60 percent of the world's GDP. That's a lot harder for China to ignore.



But I think you have to be careful in doing that, in a sense, not to overcorrect and assume that that means that everything suddenly gets brought, it gets brought home. That is not the way that economies can ultimately function in the 21st century. We can't disentangle everything. It's far too complicated. We're far too intertwined. And there are benefits from that. But when it comes to things that are truly critical, that go to our national security, that go to our national health, we're going have to look very carefully at that and make sure that we can protect ourselves if something like this were to happen again.



the first question we ask ourselves is: Is this advancing the interests of our own people? Is it making them more prosperous? Is it advancing their security? Is it extending their values? And so when it comes to something like a tariff, is it doing more harm to us than it is to the country they’re being wielded against? That’s the question we’re asking.



Americans have never backed away from the challenges posed by competition and innovation. Trying to revive the industrial economy of the 1950s is impossible; nor should we embrace the protectionism of the 1930s that helped destroy the global economy and hasten world war. When we pull out of trade agreements, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, we hand a win to countries such as China. If we opt out, they will shape global trade and innovation to their benefit, not ours.


We should insist on competing in a rules-based system that protects our people from the aggressive state capitalism of modern autocracies. We should use our market power to set the highest standards for protecting workers, the environment, intellectual property and middle-class wages, while insisting on transparency and basic commercial reciprocity. In other words, we’ll treat you the way you treat us.




Our tech firms need to take more responsibility for national security, both in preventing foreign efforts to manipulate our political system, and protecting data and privacy.



We also need to stay ahead of the competition in new technologies, especially artificial intelligence, which will reshape the future global balance of power. We cannot cede to China or anyone else a technological sphere of influence. To maintain our edge, we must preserve the free flow of ideas and international collaboration that spark innovation, but we also need to crack down on espionage, technology transfer and intellectual property theft. 




I can tell you this. This is about making sure that every country in the region, including China, follows international law, lives up to its obligations and preserves freedom of navigation. …The vice president's been a strong proponent of so-called freedom of navigation operations. Just to again underscore the point that our presence in the Asia-Pacific as a as a Pacific power is to make sure, among other things, that people products as well as ideas in a different space can continue to flow freely. And we would make that for sure. A foundational aspect of our of our policy in the area.



A responsible foreign policy seeks to prevent crises or contain them before they spiral out of control. That requires a combination of active diplomacy and military deterrence.



making sure that our military is postured so that it can deter Chinese aggression; and investing in our own people so that they can fully compete.




The United States and China are competitors. And there is nothing wrong with competition. And in fact, it can be a very good thing, provided you've done a few things that we haven't seen in the last few years. One is that you invest in your own people to make sure that they can compete effectively. The second is that you work with like minded countries to make sure that the rules of the game are fair because competition is only good if it is basically fair. And there, too, we've abandoned that effort. We are about 25 percent of the world's GDP in the United States. When we're working together with other democracies in Asia and in Europe, we're 50 to 60 percent of the world's GDP. So when China is engaged in practices that are unfair and we want those to change, it's a lot harder for them to ignore 60 percent of the world's GDP than it is to ignore a quarter up. So there is real leverage. And again, this is not about beating up on China. This is about insisting that China live up to its responsibilities as one of the leading international actors. And I think doing that from a position of strength, we're going to be much more effective. And secondly, it also creates opportunities, hopefully, for some cooperation. Think of some of the big ticket items that we have to face as countries. Disease that we're living through right now. Climate change, the spread of weapons of mass destruction. None of those can really effectively be dealt with by any one country acting alone and even the United States can't handle them alone. China needs to be part of the game on that. And I would hope that they would be. But we have to engage them from. We have to engage Beijing from a position of confidence and strength. That's something we've lost in the last few years. And I think we come back to it under a biden administration.



…at the same time when we're pulling back from all of that. And that means that, again, in the absence of American leadership, in the absence of an American model, a Chinese model could win by default not because it's better. 



That simply creates a vacuum that someone else is going to fill in. China has now raised his hand and said we're going to fill it. That may not be so smart for us because we want to make sure that the WHO is reformed effectively to be able to deal better than it did with this crisis. And if we're the ones who are helping to guide the reform of the WHO, there's a better chance that that happens. If we're not if we're out of the game and China's in the game, maybe it doesn't happen in the most effective way. 


2020年9月25日,布林肯接受CBS News采访时称,美国必须与韩国和日本等盟国密切合作,敦促中国施加真正的经济压力以迫使朝鲜进入谈判桌。

We have to work closely with allies like South Korea and Japan and press China to build genuine economic pressure to squeeze North Korea to get it to the negotiating table.



The benefit of getting things right at home is we can then leverage our economic and moral authority to push the world to take more determined action. Vice President thinks it’s critical and said that on day one of his administration, he would rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement. We’d also look to do a number of other things, for example, locking in enforceable commitments to reduce emissions in global shipping and aviation, pursuing stronger measures to make sure that other nations can’t undercut the United States economically as we meet our own commitments. One, for example, would involve working to insist that China, which is the world’s largest emitter of carbon, stop subsidizing coal exports and outsourcing pollution to other countries by financing billions of dollars’ worth of dirty fossil fuel energy projects through the Belt and Road Initiative.




