【中国论坛热词解码】(第51期)秦刚:热词里的中国(China in Buzzwords)


1. People first, life first  人民至上、生命至上

This phrase was from China’s fight against the pandemic. The founding mission of the Communist Party of China is to pursue happiness for the people, and putting people at the center is a guiding principle of the CPC and a core value of socialism with Chinese characteristics. 


(中英文摘自2021.10.06 中华人民共和国驻美利坚合众国大使馆 网站)

The phrase, “people first, life first” came from China's fight against the pandemic, a massive nationwide effort that meant no place was left behind and no life was given up on.


(英文摘自2021.10.07 China Daily 网站)



2. Heroes in harm's way  逆行者

It refers to the everyday heroes who put their mission before their lives and made fearless sacrifices to fight the pandemic.


(中英文摘自2021.10.06 中华人民共和国驻美利坚合众国大使馆 网站)

Heroes in Harm’s Way”, the first TV series detailing the national fight against the coronavirus pandemic will hit prime time on CCTV-1 on 17 September.


(英文摘自2020.09.14 China Daily 网站)



3. Lie flat  躺平

It describes the youngsters who give up ambitions and do the bare minimum to get by. They are either trying to evade competition and lead a low-desire life, or they just don’t want to work and choose to live off their parents, like some boomerang kids in America. Some people think “lying flat” stands for a life philosophy of no worldly pursuits; some take it as a passive choice in a fast changing society; some believe this is just to vent stress before they get going again. But more people don’t approve the “lie-flatters”, who they believe are just refined egoists, and people have greater respect for 逆行者, heroes in harm’s way.


(中英文摘自2021.10.06 中华人民共和国驻美利坚合众国大使馆 网站)

A few people in China are rejecting high-pressure jobs in order to pursue a low-desire life, also known as “tangping” or “lying flat”.


(英文摘自2021.07.06 The Guardian 网站)

4. Versailles  凡尔赛

The word was borrowed to refer to the self-claimed aristocratic spirit. On social media, it is used to label humble-braggers, who pretend to sound modest when they flaunt their rich and unique lifestyle.


(中英文摘自2021.10.06 中华人民共和国驻美利坚合众国大使馆 网站)

Versailles literature” refers to a social media writing technique that allows one to flaunt their wealth or success in a subtle way. 


(英文摘自2020.11.13 Inkstone News 网站)

5. Involution  内卷

A latest buzzword, it means irrational or involuntary competition. Because of it, people feel burned out, and individual efforts are made less worthwhile. 


(中英文摘自2021.10.06 中华人民共和国驻美利坚合众国大使馆 网站)

Originally an anthropological term, “involution”, or “neijuan” in Chinese - literally translated to an inward curling - refers to a social concept where population growth does not result in productivity or improved innovation.


(英文摘自2021.06.14 BBC News 网站)

6. Double reduction  双减

This is a recent policy to address involution in education. It aims to reduce the excessive homework load and after-school tutoring hours for students in compulsory education. 


(中英文摘自2021.10.06 中华人民共和国驻美利坚合众国大使馆 网站)

The “double reduction” will help students to avail of free after-class tutoring in their own schools without paying huge amounts of money to private tutoring agencies.


(英文摘自2021.09.01 China Daily 网站)

7. Celebrity fan clubs  饭圈

To attract eyeballs, some celebrities used the Internet to hype up themselves, and their fans crazily imitated their misbehaviors. As a result, some fans got confused with their identity, while others spent every penny they had in chasing their idols.


(中英文摘自2021.10.06 中华人民共和国驻美利坚合众国大使馆 网站)

China cracked down on celebrity fan clubs culture, barring platforms from publishing popularity lists and regulating the sale of fan merchandise.


(英文摘自2021.08.18 Reuters 网站)


