导语今年7月1日,中国共产党将迎来建党一百周年。在这一百年里,中国共产党始终坚持初心不变、砥砺奋进,以实现中华民族伟大复兴为目标,带领全国各族人民从“落后就要挨打”的境地一步一个脚印地走向世界舞台的中央。目前,一系列以“建党百年”为主题的庆祝活动正在国内陆续展开,吸引了全球目光。 ▲图片来源:wx.abbao.cn网站 1、Red boat spirit 红船精神 I defined the Red Boat spirit as a pioneering spirit that creates from nothing, a hard-working spirit that keeps faith and fears no setbacks, and a spirit of service that honors the Party’s commitment to the public good and its loyalty to the people.我曾经把“红船精神”概括为开天辟地、敢为人先的首创精神,坚定理想、百折不挠的奋斗精神,立党为公、忠诚为民的奉献精神。 (英文摘自2021.05.13 Washington Post网站) Following the footsteps of our revolutionary forefathers, we realize the “Red Boat” spirit which "embodies creativity and hard work" and inspires us in what we are doing today and how we improve and promote friendly cooperation between people in China and the rest of world. 我们追随革命先辈的脚步,认识到“体现创造力、艰苦奋斗”的“红船”精神对我们今天所做的一切以及如何改善促进中国人民同世界人民的友好合作具有启发作用。 (英文摘自2021.05.25 Global Times网站) 2、“staying true to the Party's original aspiration and founding mission” 不忘初心 牢记使命 It's necessary to take “staying true to the Party's original aspiration and founding mission” as our eternal theme in strengthening the Party, and a lifelong task for all Party members and officials. 把不忘初心、牢记使命作为加强党的建设的永恒课题、作为全体党员、干部的终身课题。 (英文摘自2021.05.31 China Daily网站) “To stay true to our original aspiration and founding mission and to continuously work hard is the only way to keep the CPC forever vigorous,” Xi said. 习近平说:不忘初心、牢记使命并不断努力是中国共产党永葆朝气活力的“秘诀。 (英文摘自2021.05.06 CGTN网站) 3、Serving the public good and exercising power in the interests of the people 立党为公 执政为民 We must ensure the principal status of the people, and adhere to the Party’s commitment to serving the public good and exercising power in the interests of the people. 必须坚持人民主体地位,坚持立党为公、执政为民 (英文摘自2021.05.06 CGTN网站) 4、Never forget why we started, and we can accomplish our mission.不忘初心 方得始终 (英文摘自2021.04.26 China Daily网站) ▲图片来源:China Daily网站 5、Ensuring that Party self-governance is exercised fully and strictly is a journey to which there is no end. 从严治党永远在路上 (英文摘自2021.05.24 China Daily网站) 中国论坛『热词解码』栏目,旨在通过中英双语解读热门词汇,帮助大家进一步了解国际热议话题及地道的英语表达方式