当地时间1月6日下午,数百名特朗普的支持者聚集在美国国会大厦进行示威活动,以向正在进行的国会联席会议施压。随后,部分示威者暴力闯入国会大厦,正在进行的选举人票认证程序被迫中止,副总统彭斯和议员们被紧急疏散。当天,美国候任总统拜登呼吁特朗普发表电视讲话,让其支持者停止暴力行为。拜登称这些抗议者是在“暴动”。拜登说:“全世界都在看着。和许多其他美国人一样,我感到震惊和悲哀。现在我们的国家进入了如此黑暗的时刻。”暴乱迄今共造成4人死亡,超过50名警察受伤。▲图片来源:Shannon Stapleton/Reuters1、Coup attempt/attempted coup 政变企图CNN has characterized the protests, and the storming of the Capitol Building, as a “desperate coup attempt”.CNN将抗议活动和对国会大厦的袭击定性为“绝望的政变企图”。(英文摘自2021.01.06 Yahoo News网站)This was an attempted coup, encouraged by the President of the United States, in an attempt to derail today's congressional certification of the electoral vote.这是一次受到美国总统鼓励的政变企图,企图破坏今天国会对选举结果的认证。2、would-be saboteurs 潜在破坏者Canisters of tear gas were fired across the Rotunda’s white marble floor, and on the steps outside the building, rioters flew Confederate flags. “USA! USA!” chanted the would-be saboteurs of a 244-year-old democracy.催泪弹穿过圆形大厅的白色大理石地板,在大楼外的台阶上,暴徒们挥舞着南部联邦的旗帜。“美国!美国!”来自有着244年历史的民主国家的潜在破坏者们高呼着。Trump’s presidency finishes in “American carnage” as rioters storm the Capitol.特朗普的总统任期在“美国大屠杀”中结束,骚乱者围攻了国会大厦。Donald Trump triggers the American carnage he vowed to stop in his inaugural address.唐纳德·特朗普煽动了一场他曾在就职演说中誓言要停止的美国大屠杀。(英文摘自2021.01.06 USA Today网站)“He clearly was saying things to egg these people on to go to the capitol and do what needed to be done to intimidate legislatures who weren’t otherwise inclined to challenge the electoral college tally.” “很明显,他说的话是要怂恿这些人去国会,做些必要的事来恐吓那些本来不打算挑战选举团票数的立法机构。” (英文摘自2021.01.09 23 WIFR网站)US Capital protesters, egged on by Trump, are part of a long history of white supremacists hearing politicians’ words as encouragement.在特朗普怂恿下的美国国会抗议者,一部分是长期以来被政客的话鼓动的白人至上主义者。(英文摘自2021.01.06 THE CONVERSATION网站)5、supremacists 白人至上主义者; white supremacy 白人至上主义The mob that rampaged the halls of Congress included infamous whitesupremacists and conspiracy theorists.闯入国会大厅的暴徒包括臭名昭著的白人至上主义者和阴谋论者。(英文摘自2021.01.07 New York Times网站)The success of that insurgency showed that white supremacy was more important than democracy. 6、insurrection 暴动;insurrectionist 起义者President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday forcefully condemned the violence in the nation’s capital as “insurrection” and called on President Trump to demand an end to the “siege.”候任总统拜登周三强烈谴责美国首都发生的暴力事件为“暴动”,并呼吁特朗普总统要求结束(对国会大厦的)“围攻”。In the days since the attack, however, our picture of the event itself has evolved. From long-distance camera lenses, it might have looked like a protest that grew out of hand. But many of the insurrectionists came prepared with tactical gear and communications equipment.然而,在袭击事件发生后的几天里,我们对这一事件本身的看法发生了变化。从长焦镜头来看,这可能看起来像是一场失控的抗议。但是,许多起义者配备了战术装备和通讯设备。中国论坛『热词解码』栏目,旨在通过中英双语解读热门词汇,帮助大家进一步了解国际热议话题及地道的英语表达方式