盘中最高记录 intraday record high
The price of gold, which has surged in recent weeks as investors have sought out haven assets, rose about 1 per cent to reach an intraday record high of $2,018 a troy ounce.
(英文选自2020.08.05 Financial Times)
贬值恐惧 debasement fears
Goldman strategists cautioned that U.S. policy is triggering currency “debasement fears” that could end the dollar’s reign as the dominant force in global foreign-exchange markets.
(英文选自2020.07.29 Bloomberg)
The main drivers for gold this week have been weaker U.S. dollar and currency debasement fears in light of all the money printing happening across the world.
(英文选自2020.08.01 Kitco News)
过度特权 exorbitant privilege
In the 1960s, French Finance Minister Valéry Giscard d’Estaing complained that the dominance of the U.S. dollar gave the United States an “exorbitant privilege” to borrow cheaply from the rest of the world and live beyond its means.
(英文选自2020.07.28 Foreign Affairs)
But the exorbitant privilege also entails exorbitant burdens that weigh on U.S. trade competitiveness and employment and that are likely to grow heavier and more destabilizing as the United States’ share of the global economy shrinks.
(英文选自2020.07.28 Foreign Affairs)
避险资产 safe-haven assets
Gold is on track to close at a record high on Thursday as investors continue to pick safe-haven assets to ride out the coronavirus pandemic.
(英文选自2020.07.23 Business Insider)
避险需求 safe-haven demand
Gold prices can soar to a record $2,000 on inflation fears and safe-haven demand, analyst says.
(英文选自2020.07.27 Business Insider)
通货膨胀倾向 inflationary bias
Analysts at Goldman Sachs cited a potential shift by the Fed “towards an inflationary bias” last week when they increased their 12-month price target for gold by $300, to $2,300 a troy ounce.
(英文选自2020.07.31 Financial Times)
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