一、中英经济财金对话于2008年正式建立,是中英之间三大高级别对话与合作机制之一(其他两个对话机制分别为战略对话和高级别人文交流机制)。 1. 中英经济财金对话是中英之间就经济财金领域战略性、全局性、长期性重大问题开展对话合作的重要平台。 The 11th China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue is held in Beijing on 11 January, the first time since 2019, according to the Chinese foreign ministry announced on Friday. The dialogue is co-chaired by Chinese Vice-Premier He Lifeng and British Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves, serving as the lead persons of the Dialogue. The high-level dialogue mechanism, established in 2008, is an important platform for dialogue and cooperation on strategic, overall and long-term major issues in the economic and financial fields. 2. 此次对话期间,双方将就宏观经济政策和经济全球化、贸易与投资、产业合作、金融市场发展、金融监管合作等议题展开讨论。 During the 11th dialogue, the two sides discuss macroeconomic policies and economic globalization, trade and investment, industrial cooperation, financial market development, financial regulatory cooperation and more. Strengthened economic and financial exchanges and cooperation between China and the UK, as major economies and financial powers in the world, is in line with the interests of both countries and the expectations of all walks of life. (January 10, 2025, “China, UK to hold 11th economic, financial dialogues”, China Daily) (图片来源:新华社) 二、英国是中国在欧洲第三大贸易伙伴、第二大投资目的地和第三大外资来源地,中国是英国在亚洲最大贸易伙伴。经贸合作都是中英关系的稳定锚和推进器,两国在金融经贸合作上有深厚的基础。 1. 2023年,中英双边贸易额为979亿美元,其中中国对英出口779亿美元,自英进口200亿美元。2024年1月至9月,中英双边贸易额为725.3亿美元。其中中方出口580.8亿美元,同比上升0.2%,进口144.5亿美元。 In 2023, the bilateral trade volume between China and the UK was 97.9 billion US dollars, of which China's exports to the UK were 77.9 billion US dollars and imports from the UK were 20 billion US dollars. From January to September 2024, the bilateral trade volume between China and the UK was 72.53 billion US dollars, a year-on-year decrease of 0.5%, of which China's exports were 58.08 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 0.2%, and imports were 14.45 billion US dollars, a year-on-year decrease of 3.2%. (October, 2024, “China and the United Kingdom”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Currently, China is the UK’s largest trading partner in Asia, and the UK is China's third-largest trading partner in Europe, its second-largest investment destination, and its third-largest source of foreign investment. The UK has long been one of the top destinations for Chinese companies entering the European market, and the two countries have broad prospects for cooperation in energy transition, an area the UK government places great value on. (October 18, 2024, “Creating new starting point for China-UK ties necessary”, Global Times) 2. 中英经济财金对话在过去十年取得诸多成果,主要包括:英国加入亚投行,在伦敦建立人民币清算行,中国主权债首次在伦敦发行,开通“沪伦通”,英国银行发行熊猫债,双边科技领域合作,包括欣克利角C、电动车和离岸风电项目在内的联合投资绿色未来合作,以及在促进双边贸易与投资方面取得的重要进展。 Over the preceding decade, British and Chinese officials had met annually for high-level trade and investment talks, holding an Economic and Financial Dialogue almost every year and a Joint Economic and Trade Commission every two years. Those talks resulted in the London-Shanghai stock connect scheme, Britain joining the Beijing-based Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and joint investment into green technologies, including the UK’s Hinkley Point C nuclear power plant. (December 20, 2024, “UK finance minister to visit China in January to revive regular economic talk”, Reuters) 3. 深化中英在贸易、投资、金融、卫生、教育和气候变化等优先领域的伙伴关系,对于为中英两国提供增长、投资和高质量就业机会至关重要。 HSBC Chairman Mark Tucker told “China is the world’s second-largest economy, the world’s top goods exporter, second-largest source of merchandise imports and the UK's fourth-largest trading partner. Deepening the UK-China partnership on trade, investment, finance, health, education and climate change amongst other priority areas, is vital to delivering growth, investment and high-quality jobs for both China and the UK.” (January 11, 2025, “Chancellor marks £600m of secure growth for UK economy in Beijing”, GOV. UK) (图片来源:环球时报) 三、第十次对话在宏观经济政策、贸易、投资、金融、产业战略、“一带一路”倡议和第三方市场合作等领域取得了广泛且积极进展。 1. 双方会上达成69项互利共赢成果,深化金融服务、解除部分贸易禁令等方面达成协议,并将共同维护全球产供链安全稳定畅通,反对脱钩断链。 China and the UK reached 69 mutually beneficial and win-win outcomes during the just-concluded 11th China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue held in Beijing, with both sides emphasizing their shared dedication to multilateralism and economic globalization. Both sides acknowledged the mutual advantages of China-UK cooperation for their respective development. They pledged to jointly safeguard the security, stability, and smooth functioning of global industrial and supply chains, oppose “decoupling” and supply chain disruptions, and agreed to reduce barriers to two-way investment while fostering a non-discriminatory and open business environment. (January 13, 2025, “11th China-UK Economic and Financial Dialogue yields 69 outcomes, adding new highlights to global economic growth”, Global Times) 2. 根据英方估计,英方访华期间和中方达成的务实合作将在未来5年内为英国经济带来价值6亿英镑的协议,甚至高达10亿英镑。 Working people and businesses across the UK will feel the benefits of agreements worth £600 million to the British economy, as agreed in the 2025 UK-China Economic and Financial Dialogue (EFD). UK government’s reengagement with China sets us on course to deliver up to £1 billion of value for the UK economy. (January 11, 2025, “Chancellor marks £600m of secure growth for UK economy in Beijing”, GOV. UK) 编辑:蒋绍澄 审核:中国论坛