

11月15日至16日,中美交流基金会(CUSEF)与中国国际经济交流中心(CCIEE)在香港联合举办2024年香港中美论坛。期间,清华大学战略与安全研究中心战略青年(CISS Youth)携手CUSEF共同启动CUSEF Next Gen项目,吸引来自各国的青年代表们积极参与。

作为香港论坛的重要组成部分,CUSEF Next Gen项目致力于为中美青年搭建一个学习与交流的平台。在这里,青年们在丰富的会议议程中观摩学习、交流讨论,加深了对国际关系的理解,并与专家学者进行了零距离的互动。10名战略青年成员不仅全程参与了会议的筹备与组织,还与各界专家学者深入交流。青年们进一步拓宽了自己的国际视野,不断提升对全球事务的认知。



在15日的论坛中,专门设置的“聚焦青年”(Spotlight on Youth)环节为青年代表提供了展示自我的舞台。其中,清华大学博士生黄瑛和北京大学燕京学者Koen Smeets作为青年代表上台发言,他们以独特的青年视角深入探讨了青年在中美关系、青年交流中的重要角色和未来潜力,引发了与会嘉宾的广泛关注和共鸣。他们的发言不仅展现了青年对国际事务的深刻洞察,也为中美关系的未来发展提供了宝贵的青年视角。此外,第五届战略青年秘书长张元世男、成员樊景月接受了来自“中美聚焦”的采访,他们分享了此次参与论坛的感受、对中美关系的预期与理解以及个人在交流中的成长经历,展现了青年一代的智慧和担当。

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战略青年成员参与论坛的“Spotlight on Youth”环节

在论坛中,战略青年成员凭借出色的组织能力和专业素养,赢得了与会嘉宾和主办方的一致好评。专家们普遍认为,青年之间的直接对话对于增进相互理解、为中美关系未来发展奠定基础具有重要意义。CUSEF Next Gen项目作为论坛的一大亮点,充分展现了青年在国际交流中的独特作用。

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Koen Smeets: The first day was a filled with listening to high-level dialogues between some of my favourite experts in U.S.-China relations, such as Prof Da Wei and Prof Dennis Wilder. It was my first-time meeting some of the American experts in-person after knowing them for several years, which was definitely a highlight of my time in Hong Kong. A second highlight of the first day was presenting on-stage alongside my friend Huang Ying. From introducing myself in Mandarin to sharing the role of third parties in Sino-American relations, it was incredible to be recognised at such a high-level conference.  The second day CISS Youth was able to listen-in to closed-doors meetings at CUSEF’s office, where leading American and Chinese experts discussed a variety of complex topics of critical importance. As an individual from a third country, it was especially insightful to see how both sides formulated their arguments and thinking in a honest yet respectful way to the other side. It’s a privilege to receive such education which prepares us young people to lead in mutually beneficial US-China relations.

Wang Qiheng: It is my great honor to have the opportunity to participate in the 5th U.S.-China Hong Kong Forum as a member of the CISS Youth delegation. This journey to Hong Kong was my first formal activity ever since I joined the CISS Youth over the summer, and I had no idea what it would be like before I left Beijing. These four marvelous days have fully proved that the CISS Youth does deserve my love and commitment.

I used to ask myself why I should miss my classes and attend such a forum in a different city so far away from Beijing. This time I have got my answer: the chance to meet fleet away in an instant while it is never too late to acquire the knowledge. It is undeniably valuable to see the latest position of various countries and to hear the voices of different scholars, but more importantly, we have established profound friendships with outstanding young people from not only all regions of China, but also Colombia, the Netherlands, the United States, and every corner of the world. The misconception, as the most stubborn barrier to the improvement of the U.S.-China relationship, and the most fatal catalysis to the escalation of international conflicts, has its final solutions lying not on the negotiations of politicians or the battlefield of soldiers, but on the mutual understanding constructed through open, frank, and unprejudiced communications of the youth generation.




下一篇:战略青年说第14期 | 异化——关于人道主义援助的挑战