China Forum Experts at Hong Kong-ASEAN Summit 2022


On November 3, 2022, Hong Kong-ASEAN Summit 2022 took place in Hong Kong. Organized by the South China Morning Post, the event was themed “How can Hong Kong build stronger ties with China Mainland and ASEAN in the new normal?” Scholars, policymakers and entrepreneurs were convened to discuss the future of Hong Kong and its long-term position in the Greater Bay Area, China Mainland and ASEAN. 


John Lee Ka-chiu, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region, delivered keynote address, and Yu Hongjun, former vice minister of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee and a China Forum expert, delivered keynote closing remarks. The summit featured two panels: “How can Hong Kong as a global financial center help to bridge capital flow and investments between China Mainland and ASEAN?” and “Will Hong Kong’s accession to RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) strengthen trade relations between China and ASEAN?”


In his speech, Yu Hongjun stressed that as RCEP, the Free Trade Agreement and Investment Agreement between Hong Kong and ASEAN entered into force, and with the imminent approval of Hong Kong’s application to join RCEP, trade prospects for China Mainland and ASEAN – with Hong Kong as a bridge – remains highly promising.


In the second panel, China Forum expert Zhou Mi said that with China joining RCEP, an agreement covering about one third of the world’s population and GDP, businesses and markets in China can expect more stability in their development. If Hong Kong - a free port blessed with international resources and extensive experience in free trade – finally joins RCEP, it will provide strong expertise and support for intra-regional trade liberalization.