





1. 香港何以从一个question变成一个problem


大家知道中文“问题”一词英文有多种翻译,包括question, problem,issue等。过去我们讲香港“问题”时,英文多用question,但从去年开始英文媒体更多用problem来讨论香港“问题”。香港何以从一个question变成一个problem,又怎么解决这个problem呢?




我想从中国统一的历史谈起。公元前221年中国第一个封建皇帝秦始皇通过一场场战争消灭了当时在这块土地上存在的其他六个较大的国家,实现了中国历史上第一次真正的“大一统”,建立起强大有力的中央政权。假设当年秦始皇不是通过武力,而是通过和平谈判与其他六国实现统一,也许当时就出现一个United States of China。正因为一开始就是武力统一,中国后来历朝历代的统一基本上是通过战争实现的,“武力统一,一国一制”就成为中国历史的常态,2200多年概莫例外。在此,我们可以比较下美国是如何实现“统一”的。在1787年那个炎热的夏季,北美大陆13个新独立的国家(state)在费城通过和平谈判,“谈”成了一个新的国家the United States of America,实现了美国的“统一”。要注意美国实现的是United,而不是Unified,这与中国的“统一”模式(unification)非常不同。








3. 香港“一国两制”的成功实践




(3)香港人权、自由得到充分发展和保护,其人类自由指数全球名列前茅,根据加拿大独立机构弗雷泽研究所(Fraser Institute)公布的2018年人类自由指数排名,香港位居全球第3名,远远超过排名第17的美国。香港回归中国之前每年集会游行示威大概有3000起左右,近十年来每年都超过10000起。根据美国国务院《2019全球投资环境报告》,“香港在政治上是稳定的,示威几乎总是和平的”。






4. 中国是香港“一国两制”成功实践的受益者


5. 美国和全世界也是香港“一国两制”成功实践的受益者



以美国为例,2019年7月美国国务院发布《2019年全球投资环境报告(2019 Investment Climate Statements)》,称赞“香港仍然是美国投资和贸易绝佳目的地。尽管香港人口不足800万,但它是美国第十大出口市场、第七大农产品出口市场、第五大高价值消费品和饮料出口市场。香港拥有世界一流的金融机构和监管体系,其经济基础是具有竞争力的金融和专业服务、贸易、物流和旅游。2018年,香港近3650亿美元的GDP中,服务业占90%以上。香港拥有大量的地区总部和区域办事处。1400多家美国公司设在香港,其中一半以上是区域性公司。金融和相关服务公司,如银行、律师事务所和会计师事务所,占据了主导地位。全球最大的100家银行中,有70家在这里开展业务。”






6. 到底谁搞乱了香港

全世界人民都看到2019年美国在香港事务上比任何一个国家包括中国都忙碌,美方高层不断表态支持香港“民主”运动,时不时接见香港反对派代表人物,不断释放错误信号,直接间接鼓励了暴力的蔓延升级。美方一些说法根本就是事实性错误,比如有位资深政治人物说中国没有履行承诺给香港“完全自治(full autonomy)”。这缺乏基本常识,因为无论是1984年的《中英联合声明》或者1990年的《香港基本法》,从来都没有说过要给香港“完全自治”,从来都是“高度自治”。一些人既然那么热心干预中国香港的事务,那就应该认真研究学习下中国香港的历史,学习下《香港基本法》。

美国官方和媒体不断污蔑香港警察过分使用武力。面对前所未有、“宣战式”的暴力,香港警察已经非常克制,可以说是世界上最克制、最专业的警察,7个多月的乱局,1000多场暴力冲突,香港警察没有开枪打死一个人,护卫香港这个国际大都会屹立不倒!美国警察能做到吗?到底香港警察还是或者美国警察过分使用武力?根据美国执法者纪念基金(National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund)刚刚公布的数字,2019年美国警察全年直接击毙897人之多,其中18岁以下的未成年人就有12位。去年美国还有3.9万多平民死于各种枪击事件,其中不少是学生!




我特别注意到,香港美国商会主席葛理福(Robert Grieves)先生去年9月接受记者采访称,“试想一下没有香港的世界,亚洲和全球的商业活动将如何运作?”他说,香港是商业的天堂,地位不容动摇(新加坡《联合早报》2019年9月23日)。7个多月来,美国在港商业利益、8.5万在港美国公民也深受香港暴乱之害,没有任何人能够从香港暴乱长期化、持久化中得到任何好处。



7. 所有持份者都有责任共同维护“一国两制”大局







|  葛维宝 (Paul GEWIRTZ)


|  克利夫·库普坎(Cliff KUPCHAN)

Hong Kong: China’s World Economic Hub
Professor Wang Zhenmin
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
January 11th, 2020

I am honored to speak here today on the topic of Hong Kong. In 2015, when I was still the Dean of Tsinghua University Law School, I was invited by the Central People’s Government Hong Kong Liaison Office to take up the position as the head of its Legal Department, i.e. the chief counsel. I returned to Tsinghua and resumed my teaching and research responsibilities in the end of 2018 upon completion of my work. However the circumstances in Hong Kong have completely changed in 2019, shocking to many observers in China and of the world, and the familiar Hong Kong has all but vanished. The majority of my time is still devoted to observing and researching on Hong Kong and related international questions.

You perhaps know the Chinese word “问题(Wen Ti)” has many corresponding English translations such as question, problem, issue, and so on. When we talked about Hong Kong’s Wen Ti in the past, we often referred to the English word “question”. However, since last year, the English language media has more of often than not described Hong Kong’s Wen Ti as “problem”. How did Hong Kong’s “question” become a “problem”? And how do we solve this problem?

Indeed, Hong Kong had never encountered such problems; in fact, under “One Country, Two Systems”, Hong Kong always strived for excellence and remained excellent as witnessed by China and the international community, especially in the fields of financial, economic and rule of law developments. Everybody loves Hong Kong, and when our Western friends and friends from Chinese Mainland visit Hong Kong, they all told us that they feel like home. Hong Kong is a part of China, but she is also an international economic and trade platform, made possible by “One Country, Two Systems” policy and the Hong Kong Basic Law, created by China but for the World. She is indeed China’s World Economic Hub.

 1. China’s “One Country Two Systems” Policy

I want to spend some time to briefly introduce the policy of “One Country, Two Systems”. In 221 B.C., China achieved unification for the first time under the State of Qin, the first powerful central authorities in China’s feudal history. For the next 2200 or so years, the unification of China’s dynasties was mostly achieved through war under the structure of “One Country, One System”. You would all be familiar with that hot summer of 1787, when 13 new independent states in the North American continent formed a new country, the United States of America, in Philadelphia through peaceful negotiations, not war. The US was “united”, but not “unified”. This was the first and only time the US achieved American style “unification”. I always imagine, if over 2200 years ago, China’s first emperor Qin Shihuang unified China through negotiation and not annihilation of the other six states, there could perhaps be a “United States of China”. However, unlike the early US history, China always upheld a policy of “unification through war, one country one system” for 2200 years without much exception. Our friends in the U.S. often do not understand and cannot relate with China’s political arrangements, such as our unitary structure, by criticizing that we are mistaken and should not centralize powers. I will have to tell my friends from the U.S.: if we were wrong, I am sorry to tell you that we are not wrong today and have not been wrong for one or two years, for a decade or two, or even for one or two hundred years. We have been “wrong” for over 2200 years! But what you have to know is that, the U.S. only has a history of over 200 years, whereas our history of “great unification” have been in existence for over 2200 years. So are we wrong, or are you wrong?

I shall stop digressing. In 1979, Governor MacLehose of Hong Kong visited Beijing to learn how the Chinese government plans to solve the Hong Kong question.  Afterwards, Mr. Deng Xiaoping creatively put forward the great idea of “peaceful unification, One Country, Two Systems”, including the following central components: China seeks to solve the Hong Kong question through negotiations and not war with the UK; in 1997, China would resume exercising sovereignty over Hong Kong, and the Central Government of China would be responsible for foreign affairs, national defense, the making, amendment and interpretation of the Hong Kong Basic Law, the appointment of the Chief Executive and principal officials, as well as the power of legislative record and review of Hong Kong legislation; Hong Kong would become a Special Administration Region of China, exercising “Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong” with a high degree of autonomy, enjoying administrative power, legislative power, and independent judicial power including that of final adjudication, while maintaining the capitalist system and way of life, and at the same time enjoying status such as being a free port, independent customs area, and independent currency area and so on, for 50 years unchanged. The promises by China on the “One Country Two Systems” as well as the division of duties and powers between the Central Government and the Hong Kong SAR Government were all finalized by a law with constitutional law status——the Hong Kong Basic Law. In 1990, China’s highest legislative body, the National People’s Congress passed this law, and “One Country, Two Systems” was legalized and institutionalized. The Basic Law was implemented since July 1st, 1997.

2. The successful practice of the “One Country Two Systems” policy

Under the “One Country Two Systems” principle, the Chinese government governs neither everything nor nothing of Hong Kong. The decision whether the central authorities governs or not shall comply with the law, that is, the Chinese Constitution and the Hong Kong Basic Law. Over the past 20 years since Hong Kong’s return to China, the Chinese government has fulfilled its political commitments, performed its duties in strict accordance with the Chinese Constitution and the Hong Kong Basic Law, and refrained from interfering in matters that are legally subject to Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy. The international and domestic status of Hong Kong has greatly improved. We all witnessed the great success of the practice of “One Country Two Systems” in Hong Kong.

For 25 consecutive years, Hong Kong has been rated as the freest economy in the world by the American Heritage Foundation, while the United States ranked 18th. It continues to play the international roles of a economic hub and trade center, a financial center, an aviation center and a shipping center, making significant contributions to the economic and social development of China, the region and the world. Hong Kong remains a world-renowned free port, one of the three largest international financial centers, the third largest stock market, and the eighth trading entity, and it ranks the top five in foreign exchange reserves, the first in airport freight volume, the top ten in passenger volume, and the 35th in GDP in the world.

Human rights and freedoms are fully developed and protected in Hong Kong. According to the Human Freedom Index 2018 released by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian independent research institute, Hong Kong ranked 3rd in the world, far ahead of the United States, which ranked 17th. Before Hong Kong’s return to China, there were about 3000 demonstrations per year, and in the past decade more than 10,000 per year. Quoting The “2019 Investment Climate Statements” released by the U.S. Department of State, “Hong Kong is politically stable, with demonstrations almost always peaceful.”

Hong Kong has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. There are only about 700 crimes per 100,000 people. Normally, for example, there were only 25 murders in Hong Kong in 2017, compared with 290 in New York and 116 in London. According to the evaluation of the World Justice Project and the World Economic Forum and other international institutions, the rule of law of Hong Kong ranked 69th in the world in 1996, and jumped to 16th in 2018.

China has been very serious to develop democracy in Hong Kong according the Basic Law. Although in 2015 Hong Kong’s opposition factions rejected the government’s universal suffrage plan, it is a widely recognized fact that Hong Kong is much more democratic after its return than before.

In short, as long as we are free from prejudice, we are able to conclude that “One Country, Two Systems” implemented by the Chinese government in Hong Kong has made great success.

3. China benefits greatly from “One Country Two Systems” in Hong Kong.

Undoubtedly, China benefited greatly from “One Country Two Systems” in Hong Kong. We successfully solved the question of Hong Kong through peaceful negotiations with the British government, and regained the lost territory without war. Over 40 years, Hong Kong has contributed more than 60% of China’s overseas investment, and it has been one of the most important off shore clearing center for the RMB internationalization. The Hong Kong’s experience of market economy, the rule of law and good governance has provided valuable reference on relevant reforms inmainland China. It has made unique contributions to the formation and improvement of the Chinese style socialist system and to the reform, opening-up and modernization of the whole country. Of course, it should not be forgotten there are also huge and generous donations. Tsinghua University has dozens of buildings donated by our friends in Hong Kong. The development of Tsinghua Law School has also been benefited from Hong Kong friends’ contributions.

4.  The US and the world also benefited greatly from “One Country,  Two Systems” in Hong Kong

Not only Hong Kong and mainland China have benefited from the successful practice of “One Country, Two Systems”, but the United States and the world have also benefited greatly from “One Country, Two Systems” in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is not only China’s “World Center”, which means an important gateway for China to the world, but also Hong Kong is the “China Center” of the world. It is an important channel for the world to China. It has always been a strategic route and a key platform for contacts, communications and transactions between China and the West. The essence of “One Country, Two Systems” aims to maintain the status quo under “one country,” under which all other countries’ interests including strategic interests should have been maintained.

Take the United States for example. The “2019 Investment Climate Statements,” released by the U.S. Department of Statein July 2019, highly praised that “Hong Kong remains an excellent destination for U.S. investment and trade. Despite a population of less than eight million, Hong Kong is America’s tenth-largest export market, seventh-largest for totalagricultural products, and fifth-largest for high-value consumer food and beverage products. Hong Kong’s economy, with world-class institutions and regulatory systems, is based on competitive financial and professional services, trading, logistics, and tourism…Hong Kong hosts a large number of regional headquarters and regional offices. More than 1,400 U.S. companies are based in Hong Kong, with more than half regional in scope…Seventy of the world’s 100 largest banks have operations here.” In addition, according to “World Investment Report 2018” released by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Hong Kong was the third largest foreign direct investment(FDI) recipient in the world. In 2018, according to HKG statistics, 3,955 overseas companies had regional operations registered in Hong Kong. The United States has the largest number with 724. The report also highly praised the rule of law in Hong Kong.

China now is the largest trading partner of 124 countries and regions, while the United States is the largest trading partner of 56 countries of regions. Many people don’t know that Hong Kong has been the largest source of the United States’ trade surplus over years, surpassing all countries and regions among its all trading partners. It is thus clear that the United States has tremendous interests in Hong Kong.

It must be pointed out that the successful practice of “One Country, Two Systems” is the reason why the United States has been able to continue to obtain such significant commercial and various interests in Hong Kong since its return to China in 1997. If it is “One Country, One System”, the business and various interests of the United States in Hong Kong will either completely disappear or be enormously reduced. China, including Hong Kong, is certainly the biggest beneficiary of “One Country, Two Systems”, but the United States and the world are also the prime beneficiaries of “One Country, Two Systems”.

5.  Who created chaos and troubles in HongKong?

We never deny that China has huge interestin Hong Kong, and the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong is in China’s national interest. Therefore, China will never undermine the principle of “One Country, Two Systems” and deliberately destabilize Hong Kong; nor will China suppress the freedom of Hong Kong people or reduce the high degree of autonomy and democracy in Hong Kong, because these are not in China’s national interestat all. From my own observation in Hong Kong, the Chinese government has been earnestly fulfilling its commitments and carefully safeguarding the “One Country, Two Systems” in Hong Kong.

But now Hong Kong is really in terrible chaos, which has already caused a huge loss. It is not in line with the facts and common sense to say that it is the Chinese government who has messed up Hong Kong. Over the years, China has not messed up any other countries, so why should she mess up its own Hong Kong? However, the chaos in Hong Kong is by no means caused by itself. There must be a “big stage” in Cantonese (people who organized and supported all of these). Who could it be? I am sorry to say that people naturally think of the USA. Let’s think about it, how much chaos in the world is “contributed” by the US? What chaos has China created? People all over the world see that the US is busier in Hong Kong affairs than any other countries including China. Many senior US officials have been meeting with representatives of the opposition from Hong Kong and vilifying the Hong Kong police constantly. Is it the Hong Kong police or the U.S. Police who use more force? Hong Kong police are really the most restrained police in the world. After more than seven months of chaos and more than 1000 violent clashes, the police have not shot and killed a single person. Can America do that? I have a number here. In 2015 alone, American police shot and killed 965 people.

The United States has passed two laws/Actsin one breath, and seems to be taking Hong Kong as its own state. It took China several decades to pass a basic law and a small number of laws to apply in Hong Kong. How many laws/Acts did America enact for Hong Kong? At least THREE. On what basis did America enact Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act? The law has many factual errors and is not serious at all.

I once asked some of my American friends if the United States interfered too much in Hong Kong affairs? They feel very wronged and say that America cannot afford it because President Trump is very stingy. How can he spend money to support the Hong Kong riot when he does not pay for many things in the United States? INDEED, by doing so, the United States gains nothing and harms its own interests. As some American friends said, the United States has done a lot of things which caused great harm to others but no good to herself.

So far, the Central Government of China has been very restrained, but this is still condemned by the United States. Where is the anger coming from? What is puzzling is that the United States will do whatever it wants with Hong Kong, and any American interference in China’s internal affairs seems to be justified. But, as long as the Chinese government does something, or even if it does nothing, the US will not hesitate to accuse China’s “interference” in Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy. Is this normal? This makes people wonder whether Hong Kong belongs to the US or to China. Because the voice of the United States in Hong Kong seems to be bigger than that of China, and the US is much busier and even much more prepared than China in Hong Kong affairs.

The Chinese government naturally and normally performs its duties to Hong Kong in accordance with its Constitution and the Hong Kong Basic Law. That is not “interference” at all. It is legal and permitted by “One Country, Two Systems”. By contrast, the US intervention has no legal basis at all. Some of the US claims and statements are even factually false. For example, a senior US politician once said that China had failed to deliver on its promise of “full autonomy” to Hong Kong. This is a lack of common sense and basic knowledge, because neither the Sino-British Joint Declaration of 1984 nor the Hong Kong Basic Law of 1990 ever mentioned “full autonomy” for Hong Kong, but “a high degree of autonomy”. If some people are so keen to interfere in the affairs of Hong Kong, they should at least learn the history and the Basic Law of Hong Kong first.

6. All stakeholders have the responsibility to jointly maintain the “one country, two systems” framework

I would like to summarize my remarks to conclude my speech. First, just like between people, there should be at least some respect between countries as well. We talk about “human rights”. That’s absolutely important. But we should not forget the rights enjoyed by a sovereign state. This means the dignity and fundamental rights that a sovereign state should enjoy shall be respected by other states.

We have great respect for the great United States of America and thanks for your outstanding contributions to the world peace and human progress. The Chinese people have always treated the United States and the American people with gratitude and have always learned from you. We also hope that the United States will respect the basic rights of China as a sovereign state and other small or relatively weak countries. You are so strong and powerful that other countries are not without opinions, but can only swallow their voices and pride. Imagine if the United States were a person, how disgusting is what that person is doing at present? We all live in a global village. We cannot choose our own homes and neighbors. We can only live in peace, respect each other and protect our common homeland. The earth cannot afford to be tossed around anymore. This is the meaning of the“Community with a shared future for mankind” proposed by President Xi Jinping.

Second, Hong Kong is China’s Hong Kong, but the Hong Kong economic and trade platform are shared by all. Now someone is going to tear this table down. China of course will lose the most, but what good does America get? I have noticed in particular that Mr. Robert Grieves, the Chairman of the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, once said in aninterview with reporters in last September that “Imagine a world without Hong Kong, how then would business work in Asia and around the world?” He regards Hong Kong as a paradise for business and said that its position is unshakable. For more than seven months, the commercial interests and other interests of the United States in Hong Kong, over 80000 US citizens in Hong Kong have also suffered from the riots. No one can benefit from the long-lasting violence and riots in Hong Kong. We are willing to continue to work with the United States and other countries to make good use of Hong Kong as a business platform, share the great business opportunities there, and continue our exchanges and cooperation there.

Even such big changes took place in Hong Kong in 2019, China will continue to practice the “One Country Two Systems” policy and implement the Hong Kong Basic Law. Since China, the United States and the world have all benefited from “One Country, Two Systems”, and “One Country, Two Systems” is the greatest common denominator of all stakeholders, we all have the responsibility to jointly maintain the “One Country, Two Systems”, safeguard the security of this economic platform, and do more positive, constructive things.

Just after the western New Year, and the Chinese New Year is coming. Over the past year, we have been very busy with Hong Kong affairs. I hope that the New Year will be less busy, so that Hong Kong can calm down as soon as possible and return to the good old days. Let’s work together to give the world a break. Let’s be a little quiet, think about our common future and be positive citizens of the world.


下一篇:周波:中国能如何改进联合国维和 ——北京加强维和的正确方式