


1. Steamroll 粉碎,压倒,碾压

The court’s overturning of the landmarkRoe v Wade decision “shows that these types of rights are always at risk of being steamrolled”, said Ruth Zurbriggen, an Argentinian activist and member of the Companion Network of Latin America and the Caribbean, a group favouring abortion rights.

阿根廷活动家、支持堕胎权利的拉丁美洲和加勒比海同伴网络成员露丝·祖尔布里根(Ruth Zurbriggen)表示,法院推翻了具有里程碑意义的罗伊诉韦德案裁决,“这表明这类权利总是有可能被粉碎”。

(英文摘自2022.6.26 The Guardian 网站)


图片来源:BBC News网站

2. Filibuster 阻挠议事的行动;阻挠议会议事,(以冗长的演说)阻挠议案通过

President Joe Biden said on Thursday that he would support making an exception to the filibuster -- the 60-vote threshold in the Senate needed to pass most legislation -- in order to codify abortion rights and the right to privacy through legislation passed by Congress.


(英文摘自2022.6.30 CNN 网站)

“If the filibuster gets in the way – it’s like voting rights - it should be we provide an exception for this,” said Biden, a Democrat. Without sufficient votes in Congress to suspend the legislative filibuster, Biden's statement is more of a gesture than a policy plan.


(英文摘自2022.7.2 Reuters 网站)

3. Trigger laws 触发法规

While some of the so-called “trigger laws” have been in place for years, others have been enacted more recently. Some states could activate their anti-abortion laws immediately, with others following shortly thereafter.


(英文摘自2022.6.25 VOA News 网站)

These so-called “trigger laws” can come into immediate or near-immediate effect following the Supreme Court's reversal of Roe v Wade last week, but many now face fresh legal challenges at the state level. A judge has also temporarily blocked a trigger law from coming into effect in the state of Utah.


(英文摘自2022.6.28 BBC News 网站)


图片来源:The Guardian网站

4. Onerous 义务沉重的、繁重的、严苛的

For decades, states have introduced and implemented various laws regulating abortions. Some states passed laws to protect abortion access, while others imposed more onerous regulations on abortion providers and sought to prohibit abortion at earlier points in pregnancy.


(英文摘自2022.7.1 PBS 网站)

The Louisianalaw is among the most extreme examples of what pro-abortion advocates call TRAP(Targeted restrictions on abortion providers)laws, or targeted regulations of abortion providers. Such laws range from placing onerous and extraordinary regulations on abortion providers that have little to do with the scope of the care they provide, to requiring that doctors maintain admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. 


(英文摘自2022.6.25 Bloomberg 网站)

5. Buttress 支持

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” said the majority opinion, written by Samuel Alitoand joined by four other conservatives, referring also to a 1992 ruling which buttressed Roe. “The constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision.”

“我们认为必须推翻罗伊案和凯西案,”由塞缪尔·阿利托(Samuel Alito)撰写并由得到其他四位保守派支持的多数意见如此表示,同时他们还提到1992年支持罗伊的一项裁决,“宪法没有提到堕胎,任何宪法条款都没有隐含地保护这种权利。”

(英文摘自2022.6.24 The Guardian 网站)

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Biden is “very concerned” that the justices left the Texas law in place and reiterated his support forDemocratic-backed legislation that would buttress abortion rights nationwide.


(英文摘自2021.12.11 Reuters 网站)

审核:许馨匀 韩桦


