Operation Warp Speed — the federal effort to accelerate vaccine development — set as a goal producing 300 million doses this year, but fell far short of that, reflecting just how difficult and unpredictable the manufacturing process has been.
(英文摘自2020.11.17 The New York Times网站)
Ethically, Pfizer is focused on improving global health. Operation Warp Speed is designed for US distribution.
Adding to the difficulty, Pfizer and Moderna are using a technology, involving genetic material known as messenger RNA, that allows scientists to quickly adapt the technique for new pathogens.
(英文摘自2020.11.17 The New York Times网站)
The unproven technology, named messenger RNA after the molecular couriers that deliver genetic instructions, has long eluded researchers. An mRNA vaccine has never been cleared by regulators.
(英文摘自2020.11.17 The Wall Street Journal网站)
In Moderna’s study, 95 people contracted the coronavirus: five who were vaccinated, and 90 who received placebo shots of saltwater.
(英文摘自2020.11.16 The New York Times网站)
In each study, among the first some-95 subjects who developed covid-19, the vast majority (90 to 95 percent) of infections occurred in those who received placebo.
(英文摘自2020.11.19 The Washington Post网站)
As shown, the flows from the McKesson Distribution Centers (DCs) cross state boundaries. Strong merge-in-transit capabilities to link the supply kits with the vaccine supplies is a requirement.
(英文摘自2020.11.11 Forbes网站)
This idea of the race is embodied in the visible trend of vaccine nationalism, which has led countries to commit hundreds of billions of dollars on vaccines that have not even been developed yet. They are spending that money to secure doses of vaccines for their own populations first.
(英文摘自2020.11.04 China Daily网站)