中国论坛《参考观点》(第43期)|全国两会召开,国际社会看 “机遇中国”



The international community is closely watching China's "two sessions," the annual gatherings of the National People's Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee. It is optimistic about China's potential for economic and social development, looking forward to China injecting more positive energy into world economic recovery. It is widely believed that the GDP growth target of around 5 percent reflects China's confidence in its economy, and the new quality productive forces will contribute to the country's high-quality development and advancing Chinese modernization. With stable economic growth and a vast market, cooperating with China has become a highly attractive choice.

In 2023, China's economy showed strong resilience and achieved remarkable results. Despite the complex international environment and arduous tasks of reform, development and stability, China has accomplished its main economic and social development goals for the year. In 2023, the country's GDP grew 5.2 percent year-on-year to over 126 trillion yuan ($17.53 trillion), a growth rate that ranks among the top of the world's major economies. This proves that China's economy remains a crucial engine for global economic growth and possesses immense development potential.

(March 12, 2024, Chinese economy to provide more opportunities for cooperation, People's Daily)


The 5 percent economic growth target for this year set in the Government Work Report is generally in line with market expectations. If consumer prices can rise moderately this year and push the GDP deflator from negative to positive, nominal GDP is expected to exceed real GDP again. The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the United Nations and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development have forecast the Chinese economy will grow in the range of 4.5 percent to 4.7 percent this year. The Chinese government has a clear roadmap. The Government Work Report, while affirming achievements, has also pointed out difficulties and challenges. The Government Work Report has sent a clear signal that China's development still faces more favorable conditions than adverse factors and that the basic trend of economic recovery has not changed.

(March 18, 2024, Economic expectations up after two sessions, China Daily)



1. 中国进一步巩固经济复苏的决心不仅体现在百分之五的经济增长目标上,还体现在解决数以亿计家庭的切身问题上。今年将有创纪录的1170万名应届毕业生加入劳动力大军,帮助他们找到工作是当务之急。中国政府承诺将出台更有力的财政、金融和政策激励措施,同时加强对青年科技人才的培养。

China's determination to further underpin economic recovery is not only embodied in the five percent economic growth target,  but also approaches to issues that hit home for hundreds of millions of families. With a record 11.7 million new graduates set to enter the workforce this year, helping people find jobs is a top priority. The Chinese government vows to roll out stronger fiscal, financial and policy incentives, while strengthening the cultivation of young talent in science and technology. At work, the government will provide them with opportunities, platforms and an enabling environment. In life, we will work together to address their urgent needs and concerns, striving to resolve their key concerns related to compensation and benefits, physical and mental health, and family life.

(March 06, 2024, China sets ambitious agenda to boost livelihoods, prioritizes employment, healthcare, and social security, CGTN)

2. 中国将加大力度构建房地产发展新模式,解决房地产市场面临的困难,促进房地产市场健康平稳发展,把人民群众的需求作为国家住房规划的依据。今年,中国将稳步推进城市改造进程,约有50,000个城市老旧住宅小区将得到改造。这些住宅小区将配备电梯、停车场、无障碍设施和养老设施。

China will ramp up efforts to build a new development model for real estate, solve the difficulties the market faces and bolster its sound and steady development. China will effectively allocate the resources of people, houses, land and funds. People's demands should serve as the basis for the country's housing plans, which in turn will be used to plan out the use of land and funds. Despite undergoing a period of transition, China's real estate sector still enjoys great potential and space for development in the mid to long term. There are currently more than 30 billion square meters of urban housing in the country waiting to be upgraded and restored.

Experts said they still see great potential in China's real estate sector and expect the government's new moves to take effect in getting the subdued market back on track. China is well poised to advance its urban renewal process steadily this year, with about 50,000 old urban residential compounds set to be renovated. These residential compounds will be equipped with elevators, parking lots and accessible and elderly-care facilities. The country plans to renovate more than 100,000 kilometers of aged underground pipelines this year and use digital means to strengthen the real-time monitoring of major urban facilities.

(March 11, 2024, Potential and sound growth of real estate sector stressed, China Daily)


1. 今年中国两会上,“绿色低碳发展”被频繁提及。国家将加强生态保护,推进绿色低碳发展,包括采取综合措施改善环境,推动绿色低碳经济发展。中国大力发展可再生能源,电动汽车保有量超过全球道路保有量的一半,为全球气候治理做出了重要贡献。

The expression "green and low-carbon development" has been mentioned frequently at China's two sessions this year. The country will enhance ecological conservation and promote green and low-carbon development, including taking comprehensive steps to improve the environment, and boosting the green and low-carbon economy. The country vigorously develops renewable energy, and is home to more than half of the world's electric vehicles on roads, making a significant contribution to global climate governance. Additionally, China is working toward peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060 in a transition period of only 30 years.

(March 12, 2024, China a key player in global climate change governance with green and low-carbon efforts, Global Times)

2. 2023年,生态环境部会同多部门出台了一系列有效措施,缓解了复杂形势带来的不利影响。中国将继续优化产业结构、能源消费结构和交通运输结构。中国将进一步加强生态系统的保护和监管,努力保持生态系统的稳定性、可持续性和多样性。

The ministry of ecology and environment, together with many other departments, rolled out a series of effective measures last year to mitigate the adverse impacts from the complex situation. The ultra-low emissions transformation in the steel industry, for example, was accelerated. The transformation was completed for 220 metric tons of steel production capacity in the year, over three times of that in the previous three years. 2 million rural households in northern China shifted to other types of clean energy to warm up their homes instead of burning coal with small stoves. Thanks to these measures, the average PM2.5 concentration in prefecture-level cities and above reached 30 mcg/cubic m last year, maintaining a general momentum of steady improvement. Compared with 2019, the year before COVID-19 broke out, the PM2.5 density last year decreased by 16.7 percent.

Last year, 89.4 percent of monitoring sections for surface water across the country registered fairly good quality, which is even 4.4 percentage points higher than the country's target for 2025. China has a five-tier quality system for surface water, with Grade I as the best. The quality can be considered as being fairly good if it reaches Grade III. The country will continue to optimize its structures of industry, energy consumption and transportation. China will further enhance the protection and supervision of the country's ecosystems and strive to sustain their stability, sustainability and diversity.

(March 08, 2024, China continues improving environmental quality despite challenges, China Daily)



1. 中国政府加大力度全面提升开放水平,为外资企业在华创新、投资、经营和发展创造了良好条件,使外资企业成为中国经济高质量增长的重要推动力量和重要组成部分。

As the world's second-largest economy, China will continue to be a driving force for global manufacturing and trading, and an important stabilizer in the global supply chain.

The Chinese government has intensified efforts to enhance openness at higher levels across the board and created favorable conditions for foreign companies to innovate, invest, operate and grow in China, making foreign companies a significant driving force and an integral part of China's high-quality economic growth. Airbus said 2024 will be a year of opportunities for it to continue developing its business and cooperation in China while maintaining strong impetus in the domestic market. The company remains committed to China, it said, and will continue to invest in the future, jointly promoting high-quality development with Chinese partners.

(March 06, 2024, Foreign companies still confident in Chinese market; more opportunities expected, Global Times)

2. 近日,中国国务院公布了一项包括24项具体外商投资措施的行动计划,有针对性地扩大市场准入,增强对外商投资的吸引力,营造公平竞争环境,促进创新要素流动,使国内规则更好地与高标准的国际经贸规则接轨。根据行动计划,中国将合理缩短外商投资负面清单,在科技创新领域开展放宽外资准入门槛试点。中国还将扩大外资金融机构进入银行业和保险业的准入,扩大外资金融机构参与国内债券市场的范围。官方数据显示,1月份全国新设立外商投资企业4588家,同比增长74.4%。

An action plan comprising 24 specific pro-foreign investment measures was unveiled by the State Council, China's cabinet, with targeted measures to expand market access, enhance appeal to foreign investment, foster a level playing field, facilitate the flow of innovation factors, as well as better align domestic rules with high-standard international economic and trade rules. The country will shorten its negative list for foreign investment reasonably, and launch pilot programs to relax foreign entry thresholds in scientific and technological innovation, according to the action plan.

China will also expand access for foreign financial institutions to the banking and insurance sector and increase the scope of their participation in the domestic bond market. Last year, the State Council also introduced a raft of measures to optimize the investment environment for overseas firms. A recent evaluation of the measures showed that over 60 percent of the policies have been implemented or achieved notable progress, with more than 90 percent of the surveyed foreign firms giving a positive review.

China is a super-large market with the greatest growth potential in the world, and will continue to unleash huge demand in advanced manufacturing, new urbanization and consumption upgrading. Official data showed that in January, 4,588 new foreign-invested firms were established across the country, up 74.4 percent year on year.

(March 21, 2024, China’s pro-foreign investment measures boost market appeal, Xinhua)

(图片来源:People's Daily


1. 科技创新已成为中国发展的重要驱动力。近来,“新质生产力”成为中央和地方政府安排经济工作的关键词。大力发展新优质生产力,最终将助力中国实现高质量发展。

Sci-tech innovation has become an important driving force for China's development. Recently, the term "new quality productive force" has become a key word for central and local governments in their arrangement of economic work. New quality productive forces represent advanced productivity and is an important direction of China's development. The vigorous development of new quality productive forces will eventually help achieve high-quality development in China.

In order to boost the development of new quality productive forces, China should further increase investment in original innovations and basic research. In 2022, the country's investment in basic research accounted for 6.57 percent of the total research and development (R&D) spending, and the share should further climb to 7 percent or even 10 percent by the end of 14th Five-Year Plan period (in 2025).

(March 08, 2024, China's Two Sessions gather strength for high-quality growth as nation vows development of new quality productive forces, CGTN)

2. 传统产业快速转型升级,战略性新兴产业蓬勃发展。2023年,中国电动汽车、锂离子电池、光伏产品出口超过1万亿元,同比增长近30%。数字经济加快发展,全国过半人口成为5G用户。可再生能源装机容量历史性地超过火电,年新增装机超过全球一半。

Last year, China's exports of electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries, and photovoltaic products exceeded 1 trillion yuan, with a nearly 30 percent year-on-year growth. The digital economy accelerated its development, with over half of the country's population becoming 5G users. The installed capacity of renewable energy historically surpassed that of thermal power, with the annual new installation exceeding half of the global.

Traditional industries underwent rapid transformation and upgrading, while strategic emerging industries flourished. The future industries were laid out orderly, with advanced manufacturing and modern services deeply integrated. A number of major industrial innovations have reached the international advanced level, marking significant progress in the construction of China's modern industrial system.

(March 12, 2024, Chinese economy to provide more opportunities for cooperation, People's Daily)
审核:国佳  张立荣

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