清华大学战略与安全研究中心拟于2月24日15:00-16:30举办第18期战略与安全大讲堂(CISS Talks),邀请美国宾夕法尼亚大学政治学助理教授、Perry World House研究员费恩纳(Fiona Cunningham)就“大国竞争下的核风险管控”主题进行分享。
CISS is scheduled to hold the 18th CISS Talks on February 24th, from 15:00 to 16:30. It has invited Assistant Professor of Political Science Fiona Cunningham from the University of Pennsylvania, who is also a Fellow at Perry World House, to present about "Managing Risk: Nuclear Weapons and great power competition".

美国宾夕法尼亚大学政治学助理教授、Perry World House研究员
Fiona Cunningham, Assistant Professor of Political Science, the University of Pennsylvania and Faculty Fellow, Perry World House.Fiona的研究领域是技术与冲突的关联性,实证研究对象主要是中国。代表作有《核阴影之下:信息时代的中国武器与国际安全》(Under the Nuclear Shadow: China’s Information-Age Weapons in International Security)(普林斯顿大学出版社,2024年出版)。Fiona在《国际安全》、《安全研究》和《华盛顿季刊》等期刊杂志发表多篇研究成果。曾在哈佛大学贝尔弗科学与国际事务中心(Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University)、斯坦福大学国际安全与合作中心(The Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University)和卡内基国际和平基金会(The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace)担任研究员。Fiona’s research interests lie the intersection of technology and conflict, with an empirical focus on China. Fiona’s first book is Under the Nuclear Shadow: China’s Information-Age Weapons in International Security (Princeton University Press, 2024) . Her research has appeared in academic and policy-oriented outlets including International Security, Security Studies, and The Washington Quarterly. She has held fellowships at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University, the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford University, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

DA Wei, Director of CISS and Professor of the Department of International Relations, Tsinghua University达巍教授长期从事国际关系、国际安全方向的研究和教学,主要研究领域是美国外交战略、美国政治、美国安全战略以及中美关系等。曾任职于中国现代国际关系研究院,并担任北美研究交流中心主任、美国研究所所长等职务。曾任国际关系学院校长助理,并兼任国际政治系主任、国际安全与战略研究中心主任等职务。Professor DA Wei is the Director of the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS) at Tsinghua University and a Professor in the Department of International Relations, School of Social Sciences. He has long been engaged in research and teaching in the fields of international relations and international security, with a primary focus on U.S. foreign policy, American politics, U.S. security strategy, and Sino-U.S. relations.Previously, he served at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), where he held positions including Director of the Institute of American Studies and Director of the Center for North American Research and Exchanges. He also worked at the University of International Relations (UIR) as Assistant President and concurrently served as Director of the Department of International Politics and Director of the Center for International Security and Strategic Studies.
时间:2025年2月24日(周一)14:45-16:00Time: Monday, February 24, 2025, 14:45-16:00Location: 428B, Mingli Building, Tsinghua UniversityRegistration: Please fill the registration questionnaire. Please apply for campus entry on your own