Professor Radhika Desai and Members of D&C Think Tank Visit CISS


On June 28, Radhika Desai, professor at University of Manitoba, Canada, and D&C Think Tank members visited the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS) of Tsinghua University. Zhou Bo, Senior Fellow of CISS and China Forum expert, Sun Chenghao and Shi Yan, fellows of CISS, Mo Zuming, Deputy Secretary-General of D&C Think Tank, Ou Xinping and Liu Jiahao, fellows of D&C Think Tank, and others attended the meeting.


Senior Fellow Zhou Bo and Professor Desai exchanged views on the Ukrainian crisis’ impact on the international order. Professor Desai spoke highly of Chinese economy under the leadership of the Communist Party of China from the perspective of political economy, and had in-depth exchanges with CISS experts on internationalization of the renminbi, economic globalization and interdependence.

Last:A Delegation Led by Günter Sautter, Director General for International Order, the United Nations and Arms Control in the Federal Foreign Office, Visit

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