CISS Holds the Third Plenary Meeting of Academic Committee Members and Fellows



On September 9, 2020, the Center for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University (CISS) held its third plenary meeting of its Academic Committee members and fellows. About 30 Academic Committee members and fellows attended the event.

The plenum was divided into two sessions: the first was themed “China's Strategy Toward the U.S. for the Next Phase”, chaired by CISS Senior Fellow Professor DA Wei; the second session, moderated by CISS Secretary General Professor CHEN Qi, discussed the Center’s research topics for the fall semester. Mme. FU Ying, Chairperson of CISS, made concluding remarks.


During the first session, seven Academic Committee members and fellows delivered keynote speeches focusing on major issues regarding China's U.S. strategy, including the nature of the changes in the U.S. strategy toward China, strategy and policy China should adopt toward the U.S. in view of a new political cycle in the latter, and etc. These points were discussed intensively by other Academic Committee members and fellows during the discussion session.

In the second session of the meeting, XIAO Qian, Deputy Director of CISS, reported on the Center’s achievements in the spring semester and its work plan for the fall semester. Comments and suggestions were made by participants on the Center’s work plan and key research areas for the next stage. They concurred that it was necessary for CISS to strengthen academic exchanges among fellows through more academic events and avail itself of the expertise and diversity of views of its experts to broaden and deepen its research. Furthermore, it was essential to fully involve its young talents by promoting teamwork among young fellows, so as to build up its research capabilities.

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