NIU Qiyang
Pre-Doctoral Fellow at the Center for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University

NIU Qiyang is a Pre-Doctoral Fellow at the Center for International Security and Strategy at Tsinghua University. He received his undergraduate degree from Nanjing University and his master's degree from Yale University. He is currently pursuing his PhD degree at Tsinghua University, where his research focuses on arms control and international security. After graduating from Yale, Qiyang worked as a political correspondent for Shenzhen Media Group in Washington, D.C., and then as Northeast Asia Project Manager for the Swiss-based international organization Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, where his projects include China-Europe dialogue on preserving global strategic stability, China-US maritime security, and confidence building in the South China Sea. Qiyang is a Munich Young Leader at the 2024 Munich Security Conference, a participant of the 2022 Moscow Non-Proliferation Conference New Generation Experts program, a fellow of the 2021 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Youth Group Research Fellowship, as well as the 2017 William J. Foltz Journalism Award recipient. He has published articles in the Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, The Diplomat, and Foreign Policy Research Institute, among others.