ZHU Feng
Nonresident Senior Fellow, CISS, Tsinghua University; Professor and Dean of School of International Studies, Nanjing University

Zhu Feng is currently a Non-resident Fellow, CISS, Tsinghua University and China Forum Expert, and Dean of School of Intenrational Studies,  Nanjing University. He is also Director of Center for Collaborative Studies of the South China Sea, Nanjing University. Prof. Zhu once served as  Professor of Peking University’s School of International Studies and was the Deputy Director of the Institute of International and Strategic Studies at Peking University. He published prolifically on regional security in East Asia, the Marin Security in the West Pacific, China-US military and diplomatic relations. Prof. Zhu Feng is currently Vice President of the China Institute of International Relations, Vice President of the National Association of American Studies, Vice President of the National Association of Japan Studies. Professor Zhu has served as a visiting scholar at the Brookings Institution, Harvard University's Fitzherbert Research Center, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Tulane University in the United Kingdom, and the University of Wellington in New Zealand, among other internationally renowned academic institutions. As a leading Chinese security expert, Professor Zhu’s recent books includes America, China and the Struggle for the World Order (co-edited with Prof. G. John Ikenbery and Prof. Wang jisi, MacMillan, 2015), International Relations Theory and East Asian Security (2007), China’s Ascent: Power, Security, and Future of International politics (co-edited with Professor Robert S. Ross, Cornell University Press 2008).