CISS-CEIP Track II Successfully Held


On October 10, the CISS-CEIP Track II on “US-China Relations: Reconnection and Recalibration” was held at the Center for International Security and Strategy (CISS) of Tsinghua University. Professor Da Wei and Mr. Paul Haenle co-chaired the event. Tang Xiaoyang gave an opening speech and summarized the discussions.


Participants had in-depth discussions on the present status and future of the US-China bilateral relations from five aspects: the consequences of the Ukraine crisis and its impacts on China and the United States, the South China Sea issue and cutting-edge ocean governance, China-US economic and trade issues, China-US technology and cybersecurity, and US-China relations in the new era.

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Participating experts believed that it’s been trickier to deal with global governance, amid a more polarized world in the wake of the Ukraine crisis, which will challenge the peaceful development of all countries in the future. Given the complexity of maritime disputes with multiple stakeholders involved, it remains difficult to resolve the issues in the short term. Tension between China and the United States affects new investment and business activities. Technology is designed to serve the people for a better life. Uncontrolled technological races, however, will increase global instability. In the new era, China and the United States can begin with cooperation on global issues such as addressing climate change and artificial intelligence governance in building their bilateral relations. Both sides believed that the relationship between the two peoples remains strong and that the young generation should be encouraged to strengthen exchanges and promote friendship.

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